
Please read and follow the enrollment instructions at the bottom of this form shown in PINK!

*   denotes required fields

Referral Information
Family Information
Where do you live?
Additional Info
Contact #1
How Can We Contact You?
Portal Access (your email is your login)
(Emails are kept confidential)
Contact #2
How can we contact you?
(Emails are kept confidential)
Student #1
Additional Info


FOR INDIVIDUAL FAMILIES REGISTERING ONE OR MORE STUDENTS: The way the enrollment software works, it will only show Student 1 as enrolled in the class at first; however, please provide other student(s) info by clicking 'Add Student' in the above registration form. We will enroll the other students for you. Do not try to choose the class for the 2nd/3rd students; the system will not let you do this. If you are registering into a MOMMY-AND-ME class, please include yourself as Student 1.


1. For the first family to register: Please note in the Comments box at the bottom of this form the names of the other families that will be joining you for class.

2. Subsequent families to be in the same class: CLICK HERE to register into our placeholder class and our administrator will move you into the right class once we have your info. Please list in the Comments box the names of the other families that will be joining you for class so that we can match you up with them.

AFTER REGISTRATION: Once you register, you will receive two emails; one right away confirming your registration and a second email in a few days CONFIRMING THE EXACT START DATE for your lessons. This email will also contain all the information you will need about your instructor, location, what to bring, etc.

Because swim lesson success requires continuity, we have a minimum enrollment of 2 months. Once enrolled, you must withdraw by the 15thof the current month if you will not continue on for the following month. Withdrawals must be submitted via the withdrawal form on our website under the INFO tab.

ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION: Your electronic signature is required for online registration, which indicates you've read and accepted our Policies, so take a moment to read them carefully by expanding the "+" signs in the checkboxes below. Your credit card information is NOT charged when you register; the info is collected and we will charge your card after processing your registration, and subsequently on the 25th of each month you are an active student. For your security, we and our staff DO NOT HAVE ACCESS your full card number, as it is saved directly into our secure processor's database.

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Credit Card