
Welcome to Academy Inc.! FIRST TIME HERE? Please set up your FAMILY account below and register for the desired classes. A valid credit card is required to create an account. Payment will be processed by the office shortly after registration. ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT? Please use the FAMILY PORTAL button to enrol in programs. IF YOU'VE CREATED AN ACCOUNT BEFORE AND CANNOT ACCESS IT - PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT - please email us for re/activation.

*   denotes required fields

Referral Information
Family Information
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Contact #1
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Portal Access (your email is your login)
(Emails are kept confidential)
Contact #2
How can we contact you?
(Emails are kept confidential)
Student #1
Additional Info

Searching for Fall/Winter Classes? Visit our Recreational Programs page for details, or click on "Select Class" to register for class(es).

** We offer trial classes based on availability at the prorated fee of one class.  If you are interested in a trial class, please register for the desired class and include a note in the comment field that you are requesting a trial class.  We will schedule the trial if possible, or reach out to you if it cannot be scheduled.  You will only be charged for the cost of a trial class if the trial class is confirmed.  The balance will be process only after the trial, if you confirm the spot.

Searching for Camp? Visit our Camps page for details, or click on "Select Class" to register for class(es).

Interested in Xcel/advanced or competitive programs? Please contact us at

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Questions or Concerns
Payment Information
Credit Card