Click on the Search button below, and ensure that the classes are showing for the correct studio location (either Fayetteville or Raeford). Then use the filters to select classes by the appropriate session (for ex: Summer 2024 vs. Fall/Spring Dance Year 2024-2025.) Lastly, remember that each studio has unique tuition/policies, so make sure you have read those thoroughly.
Ps. Classes automatically filter by age. If you received approval to take a class that your student's age doesn't fall into, please contact us because we will need to enroll your student on the backend.
Pps. If you are an adult and signing up for dance, and you don't see classes for your age, please check that you registered yourself as a "student," in addition as being listed as the parent/contact. Every account must have both a "parent/contact" as well as the "student" who is actually taking classes. (If you and your child are both taking classes, that means both of you will be a "student," and you will also be the "parent/contact.") Please contact us with any more questions or for additional help; we are happy to help!