PLEASE USE THE SEARCH ICON after clicking on “select class” , type in your childs school and then select the class of your choice.
Classes start the week of Labor Day, and end the week before Memorial Day for church preschools, for year round schools classes are from September- August. Dancers are asked to wear their WEBBY T-shirts (included in annual fee) to classes. Students wearing their WEBBY shirts will be highlighted on the WEBBY social media pages. PLEASE note the tuition policy which explains how tuition works.
*T-shirts are only included when paying annual fee, you WILL NOT receive a shirt is fee is waived or discounted 50%. T-shirts can be purchased for $15 when there is no fee, if fee is half price, or if you would like an extra shirt.
Any class that is cancelled due to weather, illness, or holidays will not be made up in person. See your parent portal for a list of closed holiday dates.
Classes continue for summer UNLESS your preschool is closed.
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