
A one-time registration fee is charged when creating an account. Already have an account with us? If you have had at least 2 months of inactivity, you will need to email ( a request to have your account retrieved from inactivity. Then be patient and we will respond within 48 hours. DO NOT fill out the info below and create a new account unless you don't mind paying the registration fee. Refer to POLICIES below for all particulars of enrollment. 7705077400

*   denotes required fields

Referral Information
Family Information
Where do you live?
Additional Info
Contact #1
How Can We Contact You?
Portal Access (your email is your login)
(Emails are kept confidential)
Who is your employer?
Contact #2
How can we contact you?
(Emails are kept confidential)
Who is your employer?
Student #1
Additional Info

Please use the above instructor preference box to indicate direct, firm or soft, gentle. To register for anything other than Guppies, Starfish, Jellyfish or Adult 1, an assessment is needed. Please go to, What Class do I Need, Swim Evaluation section. 25 minute classes have a maximum of 4 swimmers. Classes may be consolidated or cancelled for low enrollment based on demand. Once you choose Submit Registration below, you are committed and any changes will apply to our policy restrictions. Ensure the class listed below in BLUE is the appropriate class for your swimmer before continuing. If it shows (WAIT LIST) it is not an actual enrollment.

Enroll in Classes
Select Class
Required Policies
 (Show-Hide Details)
Questions or Concerns
Payment Information
Credit Card
eCheck/Bank Draft
(Your name on your bank statement)
(9-digit number)