Class Information
Small Group Class -
1. Each session lasts 1 hour.
2. Membership enrollment includes access to study room.
3. Membership prices require a NON-REFUNDABLE MAY DEPOSIT .
4. Student is allowed to swap ONCE every 4 weeks/ payment cycle. Additional sessions may be purchased once enrolled in a program.
Summer Head Start -
1. Classes will be held Monday through Friday for 2 weeks. Each session will last 3 hours.
2. Payment must be made in full to reserve a spot in class.
3. Courses will NOT be pro-rated for missed classes.
4. A workbook and spiral will be provided for each student. If lost, additional workbooks may be purchased for $15.
Payment Rules
One time registration fee of $50.
Small Group Class -
1. Missed sessions may not be rescheduled or accumulated (no roll-over into the next week).
2. Each payment "month" is defined as every 4 weeks starting from the first day of class.
3. Payments are to be paid in full at the start of each 4 weeks payments. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- If payment is 1 week late, there will be a late charge fee of $20.
- If payment is 1 month late, student will not be allowed to enter any of the classrooms.
4. Credit card authorization form is required for all families signing up for membership pricing.
5. There are no classes on Fridays. We are opened on school holidays (e.g. Labor Day weekend, MLK, Memorial day, early release, etc.) and closed on major holidays breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, and Spring Break).
5. Spring final exam week (05/29 - 06/02) is available to students with membership commitments. The deposit does NOT cover payment for this week.
- Clock-in during the spring final exam week will be an additional pro-rated charge based on membership and program (ONLY APPLIES TO SUGAR LAND STUDENTS)
6. Termination of services before the membership ends will require a signed notice for pro-rated refund. *see refund policy
Additional Session and Make-Up Policy
Small Group Class -
Student is allowed to swap ONCE per every 4 weeks payment. If you are taking classes 2x/week, you are allowed to swap one session per pay period.
Additional sessions must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance to reserve classroom time. Students without reservation will not be permitted into the classroom. Availability is based on first-come, first-serve basis. Additional sessions may only be purchased with a currently enrolled program. Additional session payment will be added onto the following month's balance.
Classroom Rules
1. Students are required to clock-in with their 4-digit pin number before entering the classroom.
2. To maintain the same quality attention for all students, make sure your student is on time to class - there is NO make-up for tardiness!
3. Disruptions such as talking loudly, rude behavior, name calling and disrespect will not be tolerated.
4. Small groups will be separated if the noise level is too loud.
5. Parents will be immediately informed if a discipline problem arises in any classroom. If the issue cannot be resolved we will require the parent/guardian to pick the student up immediately.
6. No drinks and snacks in classrooms. (Students may eat and drink in the break room)
7. The parent/guardian will be fully responsible for damages caused by student.
8. It is the student's responsibility to bring all necessary work sheets, test sheets, text/workbooks to class.
Refund Policy
Small Group Class -
Under extreme circumstances, if you are unable to start the course after it has been scheduled, any payment will be refunded minus the May deposit. In order to obtain a refund, there must be a written request signed by both student and parent and approved by Mr. Jan's staff with 30 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE. All refunds will be giving as office credit or by check (10% transaction fee applied).
- Any refunds will be made available as credit and will be honored up to the upcoming summer or by check (10% transaction fee applied).