As used herein the word "I" refers to each parent or guardian signing this contract. The obligation of each person signing this contract is jointly and severally. In construing this contract, the singular shall imply the plural and vice versa. "Village Square LLC. - Early Childhood Development and Education Program" (hereinafter referred to as Village Square Learning), as used in this Contract shall refer to the Village Square Family Childcare.
Parent Handbook & Code of Ethical Conduct & Communications
I agree that I will read and understand the Parent's Handbook:
I agree that I will read and understand Village Square Learning Code of Ethical Conduct:
I agree that I will download and install the Brightwheel Application onto my smartphone or other device. I understand that I will use the Brightwheel App to engage in my child(ren)'s day with near-real-time feed of photos, videos, reminders, and updates. I will initiate, process and view student related activities to include: sign in/out, messaging, learning assessments, daily sheet reports, incident reports, health-screenings, photos, videos, and calendars.
Policies and Procedures
I understand and agree to abide by the policies and procedures as set forth in the Village Square Parent/Student Handbook; including the Village Square Learning Code of Ethical Conduct and/or changes or revisions to Village Square Learning policies as posted on our website ( I am aware that Village Square Learning must follow strict policies regarding education, health, and safety regulations as defined by the West Virginia Department of Education (, and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR:
I understand that policies and procedures are subject to change and agree that it is my responsibility to stay informed through reading Village Square Learning ( website, and by Village Square Learning issued news flyers and updates.
I understand that the terms of the written "Policies and Procedures", "Village Square Learning Parents Handbook", and "Village Square Code of Ethical Conduct" are incorporated into this Contract. I agree to comply with all rules, requirements, and procedures stated herein. I further acknowledge that I am responsible for the failure of any person visiting the program on my behalf or to otherwise pick up or deliver my child/children to comply with its terms. I understand that Village Square Learning may elect to terminate this contract and the enrollment of my child/children for any failure or refusal to comply with these terms.
I understand and agree that Village Square Learning reserves the right to review the parent's relationship with our program and to set reasonable conditions for access to the school. I am aware that the school has no obligation or authority to enforce custody or parent visitation issues without court documents supporting it, and that Village Square Learning reserves the right to contact the appropriate authorities should disputes of this type arise. I further agree to hold the Village Square Learning harmless for any contact related thereto.
Enrollment Process
I agree that I will complete the Village Square Learning enrollment process to initiate service. I also agree to provide a monthly service schedule to Village Square Learning, and understand that failure to provide service schedule may result in denial of service, or being invoiced at the higher drop-in rates.
***Service Period: The weekly service schedule as requested and reserved on the monthly calendar. Schedule changes/adjustments must be made prior to the week of service.
USDA Food Program
I acknowledge that I have been made aware of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Program administered through CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM.
This program supports in-home childcare providers with serving healthy, fulfilling meals to children in their care. The program also educates and assists caregivers in meal planning and application for meal cost reimbursements through the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.
More information can be found at:
Enrollment Options: ***hyperlink coming soon***
Form Completion
I agree to assist Village Square LLC. in maintaining a current file on my child(ren) by completing and maintaining all family information directly on the website, and the forms obtained from the website, or in hard-copy. These include information such as developmental history, health care, and emergency care. Forms can be found at "VILLAGE SQUARE FORMS AND LINKS":
I will complete the Registration, Child Development History, Health Care, Emergency Care Consent, Emergency Card Information forms, and Service Schedules. All of these forms are required by the State to be on file. Every place that requires a signature must be signed even if that section is not applicable. I will turn these forms in before or no later than the first day my child attends school.
I agree to provide an updated immunization record to be placed in my child's folder or a note from my doctor describing their exemption. This is due at the same time all other forms are due.
Issue Resolution
I recognize, understand and agree that specific areas of legitimate parental concern do arise. These include my child's course work, academic progress, behavior, physical safety, and overall developmental progress. I may feel free at any time to discuss these issues with the program administration personnel.
I further understand that there are areas of program policy which are not subject to my control, including personnel hiring and termination, personnel contractual issues, and other policies and procedures established by the administration.
Medical Emergencies
Village Square Learning does not administer any medication (prescription or non-prescription) while your child is at school. There is one exception for those children who suffer from allergies that, when exposed, could cause a severe reaction. We require written parental and medical authorization (this in on one of the above forms) to dispense the necessary medication and maintain a written record of who, when, the dosage, and the lead teacher who administered the medicine. In the event of an emergency, the teacher will call 911 and then call the parents or their emergency back-up number, if they cannot be reached. A teacher will accompany the child to the nearest hospital and meet the parents there.
Permission to Transport
I grant permission in the event that Village Square Learning must transport my child to the nearest source of emergency care to obtain medical treatment as stated on the Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment statement included on the application form.
Further, I acknowledge and grant permission to Village Square Learning to transport to and from school as requested, and/or for program field trips/events/activities to other Village Square Locations, or approved vendor locations with prior notice via Brightwheel, or via telephone.
Unscheduled School Closing
While we will endeavor to be service-ready, Village Square Learning operates according to Berkeley County Public Schools (BCPS) schedule in response to adverse conditions (weather, etc).
I am aware that un-scheduled school closings (delays, early dismissals, or any closings) occasionally occur. Village Square Learning will endeavor to continue operations during these scenarios as defined by the Berkeley County Public Schools (BCPS), and as can be safely done. Additional services provided as a result of BCPS closings will be billed at 'Drop-In' rates: For active registered enrollees in our Before/Aftercare program, the additional charge will be calculated according to the number of additional hours multiplied by your current hourly rate plus 25% (service fee). (See Parent Handbook).
Service changes due to impacting events will be conveyed via the website, email, text, phone, or local radio as soon as information is available.
Payment Policies
I am aware, and I understand that I am responsible for, and agree to pay any outstanding balance on my account left unpaid by any third-party-agency sponsored programs (Federal, State, Community organization, Employer, or other corporate or individual agency)
I am aware and agree that I am responsible for, and therefore agree to pay all charges and fees related to my reserved schedule service period that I have reserved for my child/children at Village Square Learning, whether my child/children attend all or any part of their reserved schedule according to each signed enrollment form. I further understand and agree that absences due to inclement weather, Berkeley County Public School closings, or illness do not reduce tuition.
A $25.00 non-refundable registration fee per student is required. This fee is not deducted from your tuition.
Payment method and information are retained in the Village Square Parent/Family Portal. I understand and agree to have any and all outstanding balances charged and processed for payment against the established/existing payment method.
I understand and agree that any existing, outstanding or past-due balances remaining on my account at the end of my reserved service period each week will be processed against my existing payment method as configured in the Village Square Parent /Family online portal.
I understand that a Non-Refundable Application Fee is required for each students and must be enclosed with this contract in order for my child to be enrolled.
I understand that Tuition is based on my selections on my enrollment form, and the scheduled days, and hours of service I have selected.
The minimum reservation for each day is four (4) hours.
I understand that all services are pre-billed for the upcoming service period, and that tuition and other incurred fees are due on the FIRST DAY of my reserved service period.
I understand that I may dispute charges on my service statement BEFORE the first day of the reserved service period.
I am aware the current agreement includes a late fee of $35 per occurrence for payments made after the 1st day of the scheduled service period. Village Square Learning reserves the right to suspend a student any time that tuition payments become delinquent.
I am aware and agree that late pick-ups occurring between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm will incur a Late Fee of $10.00 plus an hourly fee commensurate with my current hourly rate. I further understand and agree to pay charges related to late pick-ups occurring after 6:15 pm. My account will be assessed a $35 late pick-up fee plus an additional fee of $1 for every minute after 6:00 pm until I arrive. Payment of these charges is due before the first day of next scheduled service period.
Service Interruption/Collections
I understand that Village Square Learning may terminate enrollment of my child and start collection proceedings if an outstanding balance remains unpaid and attains delinquent status. I understand and agree that I am responsible for all costs, expenses and interest, including but not limited to, attorney fees, collection agency fees and court costs incurred by Village Square Learning in order to remedy any breach of this contract.
I am aware, and I understand that I am responsible for, and agree to pay any outstanding balance on my account left unpaid by government, employer, or any other third-party-agency sponsoring my tuition at Village Square LLC.
I agree to give as much notice as possible (minimum one week) when withdrawing my child from enrollment at Village Square Learning. There will be no refund for tuition paid. If either Village Square Learning or the family decide to withdraw during the first 30 days, you will only pay for actual days attended. Any over-payments will be refunded to you.
Review of Agreements
These agreements may be changed periodically. I agree to review these agreements periodically on the Customer Portal. If I disagree with any of these agreements after I have reviewed them, I will notify Village Square Learning immediately either by mail or Email with my concern. Village Square Learning will discuss the issue with you and try to come to a mutual agreement.