
*PLEASE NOTE: at least 24 hours' notice is required to join into a swim lesson. Same-day registrations begin the FOLLOWING week.*

Our program is OPEN ENROLLMENT so you can join any time and only pay for the number of lessons left in that session. A confirmation email will be sent with session dates and fees, and your payment will be processed within 48 hours of submitting your registration. Please call our office with any questions! (609) 818-0373.

*   denotes required fields

Referral Information
Family Information
Where do you live?
Additional Info
Contact #1
How Can We Contact You?
Portal Access (your email is your login)
(Emails are kept confidential)
Contact #2
How can we contact you?
(Emails are kept confidential)
Student #1
Additional Info
Enroll in Classes
Select Class
Required Policies
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Questions or Concerns
Payment Information
Credit Card