Medical Emergencies/Notifications
As parent/guardian, I give consent for my child to receive first aid by the PS29+ Nurse, Staff or Course instructors, and if necessary, be transported and admitted to receive emergency hospital care.
I will provide written notification for any permanent or temporary medical or other conditions, including special dietary and medication needs, or the need for visual or auditory aids, which I believe the Afterschool Program should know about my child.
Walks in Neighborhood
As parent/guardian, I grant permission to PS29+ Staff and Course instructors to take my child for walks in the immediately surrounding neighborhood. If I do not grant permission, I will email to notify the team.
Payment Policies
As parent/guardian, I agree to the terms of payment that I selected upon registration:
Monthly - My fees for the full term of Kids Club and Courses will be divided into monthly payments; I will be charged at the first billing cycle and the subsequent payments, plus EKC or fees will be billed on the 15th of each month.
Program Participation
I understand that my child's participation in and/or attendance at the Afterschool Program is entirely voluntary.
I understand that there may be risks associated with any physical and/or sport activity in which my child may participate in the Afterschool Program. I consent to my child's participation in these activities. If I do not grant permission for specific activities, I will email to notify the team.
Behavior Guidelines
I understand that my child is expected to behave responsibly and to follow all applicable school policies, including the school's discipline code. I understand that students who violate the school's policies, including the school's discipline code, may be excluded from the After School Program. While we are committed to ensuring that every child is able to enjoy and benefit from our programs, all participants and families must be committed to constructive participation and appropriate behavior, and be willing to abide by the guidelines established by the program. While we endeavor to serve all children enrolled in our program, some children may currently have behaviors that preclude them from participating.
As a parent I understand that:
• There are no devices allowed for use during after school hours, unless specifically approved by the Director;
• I am expected to help my child understand and follow these guidelines;
• I will be notified if my child's behavior undermines his or her ability, or the ability of other children, to enjoy, benefit from and participate safely in the program;
• If an issue of behavior arises, I will be expected to collaborate with the staff on a strategy to address the problem;
• If my child's behavior continues to undermine his or her ability, or the ability of other children, to enjoy, benefit from and participate safely in the program, his or her participation in the program may be suspended temporarily or permanently;
• Temporary suspension and/or permanent dismissal from the program are at the discretion of the PS29+ management.
I agree that I will fill out the behavioral agreement and notify the program of any special behavioral or medical needs my child may have.
Health & Safety
As parent/guardian, I will ensure that my child follows any program rules for wearing a mask and social distancing as outlined by PS29+.
Late Pick-up Policy
As parent/guardian, I agree to the following Late Pick-up policies.
I understand that pick-up is at 4:20pm or 6:00pm sharp (based on my enrollment schedule).
Late pick-ups, after a five minute 'grace period' will incur a fee, which will be added to my next bill.
If my child is picked up after 6:15pm on more than two occasions, I understand that he/she may no longer participate in the PS29+ After School Program.
As parent/guardian, I grant permission to PS29+ Staff and Course instructors to take photos/videos of my child in conjunction with the creation of promotional material and/or educational materials for the school and the PS29 PTA. If I do not grant permission, I will email to notify the team.