If you are a returning dancer, click the "already a customer" link above. Your email address is your user ID, a temporary password will be sent to you. If you are new to the studio and have questions, please call 814-724-2225. Be sure to let us know if you are paying by cash, check, credit card, or EFT (bankdraft). Let us know if you are paying online with a one time payment or autopay. On the membership line, let us know if you are paying for the year or by the month.
* denotes required fields
If you are a returning dance family, refer to your child's class placement sheet for correct class level. Once you have registered with your temporary password, we strongly recommend resetting it. If you are new to the studio and have questions, please call 814-724-2225.
Maximum number of enrollments reached. Please use the parent portal to enroll in an unlimited number of classes.