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Thank you for your interest in LAFA's annual holiday production of "The Nutcracker."
In order to be eligible to participate in our production, each child must be currently enrolled in a local dance studio of your choice and must be at least 5 years old on the day of the audition. There will be a mandatory parent meeting during your child's audition timeframe.
If your child is cast, there will be a production fee. Rehearsals will take place on Saturdays anywhere from 11:00am-4:00pm. Your child will most likely not be needed for the entire timeframe, and dependent upon your age, rehearsals will be held every other weekend, with the possibility of transitioning to every weekend as the show gets closer. More information can be found on our website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please indicate those in the "questions/comments" box at the bottom of the registration form.
Event: |
Start Date/Time: |
End Date/Time:
Fee per Student:
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Students entered below will be added to your family's account
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Questions/Options: |
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Additional Information: |
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Assumption of Risk and Release
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I am aware that all forms of dancing and the athletic exercise associated with it place unusual stress on the body and carry with them the risk of physical injury. On behalf of my child and myself, I assume the risk and agree that the Louisville Academy of Fine Arts and its faculty, chaperones and agents shall not be liable in any way for any injuries sustained or loss of property during attendance at the Louisville Academy of Fine Arts activity or any of its related functions. Permission is granted for emergency medical treatment for my child/me.
I've read the above and agree.
Media Release
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I give my permission for photographs or video footage which includes my child or my self to be used for promotional purposes on television, newspapers, magazines, social media or any other media. Please note that Jackrabbit will only let you proceed if you agree to this policy, but this isn't required. If you would not like to give permission, please reach out to us.
I've read the above and agree.
Medical Emergencies
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In case of an emergency, the Louisville Academy of Fine Arts will attempt to contact the parent on the primary phone number. Louisville Academy of Fine Arts is granted permission for emergency medical treatment for my child/me.
I've read the above and agree.
Mask and Illness Policy
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At this time LAFA is adhering to a "Mask optional" policy. However, by signing this policy you are agreeing to a change in that policy at the discretion of the director. Any changes in our mask policy will be updated on the "Daily Updates" page on the website, which can be found on the Home page under the "Daily Updates" button. www.louafa.com
LAFA's waiting area will be open for the Fall 2023 semester, and all entrances and exits will be through the front entrance.
LAFA asks that if you are feeling sick or experiencing any of the following symptoms, please stay home! Symptoms include fever of 100.5 F or higher, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, gastrointestinal symptoms, chills or repeated shaking with chills, and new loss of taste or smell. Additionally, if you have been in contact with anyone who is ill, shows any of the above symptoms, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please stay home. All of our classes will be available via Zoom for the entire semester.
LAFA asks that if a family member, other than the student, has tested positive then the student stay home and either Zoom the lesson or come to another class for a makeup. Check with your teacher or the director for your options.
Agreeing to this policy means you are agreeing to changes we could make in the future. Please know that we make all of these decisions out of concern for the health and safety of your children.
I've read the above and agree.
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If I am cast, I promise to be here for every rehearsal that I am called for. I understand that absences will not be excused unless I have received permission from the director. I also understand that if I miss rehearsal without the director's permission, I could be dismissed from the production.
I've read the above and agree.
Volunteer Agreement
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If my child is cast, I promise to volunteer my time and/or services for at least one (1) dress rehearsal or performance. I understand that duties will be assigned to me by LAFA, and I promise to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability. I also understand that I will not receive compensation for my time.
I've read the above and agree.
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Other Questions/Comments: |
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