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Thank you for your interest in School of Philadelphia Ballet / New Jersey's 2024-25 School Year Programs. A $50.00 audition fee will be charged when your submission is received. Further audition information will be provided via email. At this time, the School of Philadelphia Ballet does not issue student visas.
Event: |
Start Date/Time: |
End Date/Time:
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Audition fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. The School of Philadelphia Ballet is not liable or obligated in any way to process any refunds or issue any credits.
I've read the above and agree.
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I hereby consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by Philadelphia Ballet and The School of Philadelphia Ballet of any and all photographs, recordings, videotapes and/or other reproductions of my child's likeness for any purpose, whatsoever, without compensation. All images shall constitute the property of Philadelphia Ballet and the School of Philadelphia Ballet, solely and completely. Further, I assign and release all rights to said images and authorize Philadelphia Ballet, or others authorized by them, to exhibit, broadcast, and/or distribute or otherwise further reproduce said images in whole or in part over or in any medium whatsoever, including newsletters, radio, newspapers, film, cable and television.
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I am aware that dance and the nature of the training and performing associated with The School of Philadelphia Ballet place unusual stress on the body and carry with them the risk of physical injury. I shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Philadelphia Ballet, its officers, boards, agents and employees, against any and all claims, actions, or suits brought for damages or alleged damages, and from all liability, loss and expense, including reasonable legal expenses, resulting from any injury to person or property or from loss of life sustained by my child while a student at the School of Philadelphia Ballet or while he/she is fulfilling a role in any Philadelphia Ballet production or event in which he/she has been invited to participate on or about Philadelphia Ballet premises or other venue where such activity is taking place including remote learning/online platforms.
I've read the above and agree.
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I hereby grant permission to the Director of The School of Philadelphia Ballet or anyone designated by the Director, and to those persons listed below as emergency contacts to authorize emergency medical or surgical treatment, including, but not limited to, blood or blood product transfusions, diagnostic procedures, and the administration of anesthesia, for student where medically appropriate in case of injury, accident, or illness: subject, however, to the following limitations (if none, so state): This authorization is given for the benefit of student. The authorization given to the Director is given with the understanding that the Director, or the Director's designee, (l) will act only in my absence, and (2) will act only until such time as I or my spouse or the student's legal guardian or the persons designated below can be contacted. I understand that the medical appropriateness of such treatment shall be determined by the attending physician or by the medical facility's medical staff, and that such a determination shall be conclusive evidence of the reasonableness of the consent given. I agree to hold the Director, anyone designated by the Director of the School of Philadelphia Ballet and any employees, officers and directors of harmless from liability arising from any and all medical treatment, or complications arising there from, rendered as a result of consent given pursuant to this authorization.
I've read the above and agree.
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