
IN-STUDIO AUDITIONS: PRE-REGISTRATION IS PREFERRED FOR IN-STUDIO AUDITIONS. DAY OF/WALK-IN REGISTRATION Is Welcome. PRE-REGISTRATION will close 1 DAY before audition. REGISTRATION FORM should be downloaded from The Nutmeg Ballet website AND MUST BE DIGITALLY TYPED/COMPLETED. IN-STUDIO AUDITIONERS MUST bring along 1 copy of completed audition form and 1 copy of photos (first arabesque and headshot) in addition to emailing completed paperwork to ZOOM AUDITIONS: PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ZOOM AUDITIONS. Please email completed audition form and photos (first arabesque and headshot) to ADDITIONAL CONFIRMATION EMAILS will be sent from our admissions office approximately 3 days prior to the audition. AUDITION FEE is Non-Refundable. WEATHER NOTIFICATIONS will be posted on our WEBSITE under the audition date AND/OR noted on the PRE-REGISTRATION FORM.
We're sorry but this event has been reserved.
Please review our calendar for another available date and time.
Thank you.