The United Elite Cheer program is a twelve (12) month program for ages 5-18. Athletes will begin training in June 2024 and continue through the end of May 2025. We are interested in athletes and parents who will fully commit to this year-round sport and remain loyal to their team and the program.
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Emergency Contact Info (Not Contact #1 or #2)*
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
ATHLETE- I will not use inappropriate language or participate in inappropriate, immoral behavior. I will not participate in the illegal consumption of tobacco alcohol, or drugs. *
ATHLETE-I understand that all of my actions both inside and outside of the gym are a reflection of United Elite and should demonstrate strong character.*
ATHLETE- I understand this is a full, one year commitment and that a team is depending on me to fulfill my responsibilities as a team member. *
ATHLETE- I will be committed to my coaches, my teammates and myself striving to reach both the team's goals and my personal goals.*
ATHLETE- I will come to practice with a positive attitudek, and I will work hard to achieve the goals set by my coaches. *
ATHLETE- I realize that a positive attitude is contagious, and I will do my best to influence my teammates in a positive manner*
ATHLETE- I will not disrespect any team member, coach, parent or competitor from United Elite or any other gym for any reason at any time.*
ATHLETE- I will demonstrate good sportsmanship striving to be a humble winner and a gracious loser.*
ATHLETE- I will learn and obey the rules and regulations of United Elite.*
ATHLETE- I will wear the scheduled practice wear to each practice. I understand it is my responsibility to help my parents keep up with the schedule and the outfits.*
ATHLETE- I will arrive at all competitions on time with my uniform, hair and makeup completed to United Elite standards*
ATHLETE- I understand that all material, music and routines are the property of United Elite and are not to be used for any other purpose including school squads and talent shows.*
ATHLETE- I understand that breaking any of the codes of conduct above may result in suspension or dismissal from United Elite.*
I understand that my actions in the viewing room and at competitions are a reflection of United Elite and should be of strong moral CHARACTER.*
I will be a positive role model for my child and will encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, positive support for all athletes, coaches, and spectators at practice and competitions.*
I am aware that this is a one-year COMMITMENT and will do everything in my ability to enable my child to participate in all practices, camps, retreats, and competitions throughout this season.*
I will do all that is necessary to get my child to practice on time and assure that he/she does not need to leave practice early.*
I will teach my child that doing your best is more important than winning, so that my child will not feel defeated by the outcome of a competition or his/her performance.*
I will encourage my child to be a humble winner and a gracious loser.*
I will respect the coaches and their authority during practices and competitions and will not question, discuss, or confront the coaches during a practice or competition.*
I will not pull my child out of practice without communicating with the coach first.*
If my child is involved in any matter of disrespect towards any United Elite staff member or student, I will resolve this problem with my child immediately.*
I understand that my child must wear the proper practice outfit that is scheduled for any specific day and will support this requirement with my child.*
If my child loses any part of their practice clothes, I understand that I must purchase a replacement immediately.*
Coaches reserve the right to suspend my child’s participation indefinitely in practice or competition as a disciplinary action if any of the rules, policies or codes of conduct is not adhered to.*
I will attend parent meetings, read emails, team group text, gym group text, and check the website to retrieve information that United Elite has prepared.*
I understand that the viewing area will be closed at some point during the season. I will respect the coach’s wishes and not stay and watch practices.*
I will read over the cheerleader’s code of conduct, that I will receive, with my child, understand what is expected, and will help to ensure my child’s adherence to these matters.*
I understand that a $350 exit fee applies if your athlete withdraws from the Program before the season is complete. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS.*
All athletes, parents, families and friends must follow the rules of the event producer and venue when attending events. No tobacco products or alcohol of any kind allowed in venues or UE events.*
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