This session is for Roots athletes ONLY. Work one-on-one with a World-Class Choreographer. After this session, athletes will receive notes to share with their floor coach, video tutorials with a 2 week training plan, and 2 weeks of free support via phone, email, or video exchange. Routine Format: Please note any ADDITIONS or CHANGES in your ATHLETE QUESTIONNAIRE. A Choreo: 2 Tumbling Passes 1 Full Turn 1 Leap-Jump Pass B Choreo: 2 Tumbling Passes (MUST BE CONFIRMED IN QUESTIONS) 1 1.5 Turn 1 Leap-Jump Pass C Choreo: 3 tumbling passes 1 Double Turn 1 Leap-Jump Pass
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Will you be getting a new floor and beam routine or floor only? What is the length of your music?
Will you be attending the Precision camp at Roots in June?
Dominant side for gymnastics*
Tell us a little about your personality*
How would you describe the music you selected? What made you choose this?*
What are your strongest qualities as a gymnast? Which qualities should be showcased? (great releve, powerful, great lines, dramatic, sassy...)*
Are there any issues that should be hidden? Where do you struggle the most? (posture, arm positions/inflexible shoulders, poor toe point, tight hamstrings/bent knees...)*
Do you have a signature move or showcase skill? Something that shows off your unique abilities or something that you really love and would like to include? (turn, aerial, chest roll, knee spin...)*
Describe your flexibility *
Describe your toe point and knee extension*
Do you enjoy performing? What style of dance do you feel most comfortable performing? (jazz, hip hop, modern, contemporary, salsa, ballet...)*
Is there a famous floor routine or dance number you would like to emulate? When you picture yourself performing the routine, what comes to mind? *
How many tumbling passes will you have? Please list (assumptions OK!)*
Please list the skills you will include in your routine. These do not need to be exact, but allow more accurate timing when creating your routine. (switch leap-jump, 1.5 turn, bonus jump connection..)*
Anything else you would like us to know when creating your routine?*
Additional Information:
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