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Audition Schedule: Monday, June 17, 2024
Starts: 3:30pm
Ages 8 & Under: 4-5pm
Ages 9 & Up:
Technique: 4-5:30pm
Rhythm: 5:30-6pm
Choreography: 6-7pm
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End Date/Time:
Fee per Student:
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Family Information |
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Students entered below will be added to your family's account
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Financial Commitment
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~ Being in a program such as this requires a certain financial commitment. ~ Audition fee $25 ~ Monthly tuition for Teams is due on the 1st of each month. Payment for classes is due on the first of every month. Any payment for classes made after the 7th will be assessed a late charge of $25.00.
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Competition/Convention Fees
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Fees associated with each competition/convention are based upon prices set by the competition/convention itself. These fees are per dancer per routine and generally run between $50-$65 for groups, $55-$85 for duet/trios, and $125-175 for solos . Convention participation fees generally run between $280-$375 per dancer. All pricing is estimated based off the 2024 season and subject to change based on each competitions 2024-2025 season pricing adjustments. A fee schedule will be sent out in August with full details regarding deposits and due dates. All competition and convention fees must be paid in CASH ONLY! Any registration that requires a deposit will be split equally between team members and deducted from your final total. All due dates will be assigned as early as possible to allow me to pass any early bird discounts on to you for extra savings! NO STUDENT WILL BE ENTERED INTO AN EVENT IF FEES ARE NOT PAID AND IF YOU ARE NOT UP TO DATE ON TUITION.
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Competition/Convention Solo Awards
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If a dancer receives a cash award and/or gift certificate at a competition for a solo or a scholarship at a convention, the parent/dancer are responsible for notifying Be Famous Dance Center. Parents must notify the studio via email and/or submit all information and documents needed to the front office within 2 weeks after said cash award and/or gift certificate at a competition for a solo or a scholarship at a convention was received. You will not receive a credit towards your account for the cash award and/or gift certificate from a competition or convention for a solo or scholarship until the said competition and/or convention has approved and applied your cash award and/or gift certificate. Your scholarships won with BFDC can only be used if you are still dancing with BFDC. Scholarships will not be transferred or released in the event that you quit or are no longer a member of BFDC.
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Costume Fees
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Costumes can vary in prices, however the average costume costs $150 once adding tights, accessories, and packaging. Costumes will be invoiced to you via the dance shop with a 15 day payment window, and will not be ordered until the invoice is paid in full. We cannot guarantee costume or size availability until the costume is actually ordered and paid for on our end. We do our best to help keep costumes affordable by utilizing the studio's costume closet, as well as shopping costume companies clearance sections. Any costumes selected off Amazon will be the parent's responsibility to order on their own. Exact links will be sent out for any Amazon items selected.
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Megan has final approval of solo style, music, costume & choreography.
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Exact shoe color will be released once all costumes are finalized.
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Make-Up and Costumes
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Make-up is required for Team, and will need to be purchased by you. Everyone is required to wear foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, false lashes, blush, and lipstick. A separate costume will be chosen for each routine that a dancer is selected. By accepting placement in this program, you agree to purchase and wear the costumes designed by the director or choreographer. Dancers will not receive a costume until account balances are up to date. If a costume needs alterations or repairs after they have been passed out, parents are responsible for those alterations. If a Team member violates this handbook/ commitment/ contract and quits or is dismissed, there will be NO refunds on any costume deposits and/or costume amounts paid. Be Famous Dance Center owns the costumes and also maintains the right to keep any partial or completed costumes. Every dancer is required to have each and every piece of their costume when attending competitions. If your dancer does not have a piece to their costume, they will not be allowed to dance that routine.
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Team Warm-Ups
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All Team members are required to purchase a team warm-up jacket. Team members must have it on at all times during competitions.
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El Toro Weights
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All dancers ages 9 are required to purchase El Toro Training Speedwraps. These weights can be found online at www.eltorotraining.com. We recommend 1.5-pound weights.
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The Competition Experience
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It is important to understand that the competition aspect of being a member of The Be Famous Dance Center Team should be considered a performance opportunity. Competition results are strictly a subjective opinion, and your child's growth should not be completely gauged by their scores or achievements at competitions. It is important to keep your competition experience positive and most importantly, be proud of the growth and development that takes place within your child. We do not foster competition within our Team, and all we ask from our students is that each child works to their full capacity. We understand that each child is a gift to us, and each is uniquely different.
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Extra Practices
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On occasion a teacher may find it important to add additional mandatory rehearsals before a competition. We make every effort to give enough notice so families are able to coordinate their schedules. These practices do not cost extra money. They usually take place on Friday evenings, Saturday evenings, and/or on Sundays. Remember these are to benefit the dancers. We all want them to be comfortable and to dance their best. Sometimes due to weather cancellations or other issues a routine just needs some extra time.
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The competition schedule for the 2024-2025 season will be announced on Band by August 1st, 2024. All dancers are required to participate in all scheduled events. Failure to attend may result in expulsion. Regional competitions/conventions will take place 1-3 locally and 2-4 out-of-state. Families are responsible for their transportation and hotel to all competitions/conventions (in and out of state). Every effort is made to select competitions that will provide our dancers and their families with the best experience possible. Any cash prize awarded at a competition will go to the studio, with the exception of a cash prize for a solo which protocol is further delineated in Competition/Convention Solo Awards. Any issue or disgruntlement with a competition or convention needs to be brought to the attention of Megan Hertzog. Dancers, parents, or family members are not allowed to contact or complain to the competition, convention staff, or management. Be Famous Dance Center approaches competition with a few things in mind: ~ Educational Opportunity- competition against the finest teams allows our teachers and students the opportunity to see what is out there and grow from there. ~ Pre-professional Opportunity- students who wish to pursue the professional world of dance have an opportunity to grow and develop their performance skills through competition. ~ Fun Family Activity- BFDC wants to attend competitions that are fun for the whole family. Students learn team-building skills, performing arts skills, and develop self-confidence that will last a lifetime. Having fun is the number one priority for this program. ~ Please note that permission must be obtained from Ms Megan if your child enters any BFDC routines or solos at an additional competition not scheduled through Be Famous Dance Center.
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National Competition
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Dancers are welcome to attend any National competition of their choice with regional qualifications. Nationals will not be a team event. Teachers will not be present. Parents will be responsible for representing the studio at their choice of event.
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The Team members are required to fully participate in the 2024-2025 Holiday and Annual Recital. This means that Team routines will be placed throughout the show. Parents must volunteer to help with at least one of these recitals, whether working backstage during the show, or helping load out/in before and after the show. Being a part of the team is a full family experience and we truly cannot do what we do without parent support!
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Parent Roles
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Be Famous Dance Center is a drama free zone! Parents are expected to be supportive, respectful, and courteous to all team members and their families at all times. This studio will not tolerate rudeness, jealousy, resentment, or disrespect to another team member, their family, a teacher, nor the director. It makes no difference to this studio how good your child is or who you are...you are not permitted to bring any negativity whatsoever into this facility, which is full of fabulous families and kids. Your role is the following: ~ Lift up and support all of our children ~ Teach your child that there is always going to be someone better than they are ~ Teach your child to be happy for others ~ Give a hand to those who may be behind or struggling ~ Stand firmly behind the teaching staff ~ Work with the teaching staff, showing your child that you are behind their coaches I have observed in my 26 years of teaching and my 35 years of dancing that the most successful children are those whose parents support their teachers and coaches 100%. These are the ones who do not bad-mouth or question a teacher or coach in front of their children, and they are certainly the ones who are realistic about their children and their place on the team. We all want the children to succeed, but success is not measured by the trophy a child brought home, by the row in which they stand on stage, or by how many pirouettes they can do. Instead, it is measured by the effort that they put forth. If they give all they have got to give, what more can anyone ever expect?
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Parent Commitment
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Please be sure you feel comfortable with your ability to handle the fees incurred for this activity, as with most competitive activities, there are many uncontrollable circumstances and we don’t want to catch anyone off guard. Monthly tuition, convention/competition fees, costume deposits, costume fees, choreography fees etc., all have due dates. Monthly Tuition is due at the beginning of each month and is late after the 7th. All other fees are late after the posted due dates. A late fee of $25 will be added to any late payments. A $35 bank fee will be assessed for a non-sufficient funds payment/cancelled/returned payment, as well as corresponding late fee of $25. It is each parents responsibility to be aware of fees due, schedule changes, etc. We suggest coming into the studio at least weekly to check for news, and to check emails for studio information and updates daily. Commitment to this program means that you will honor attendance requirements for all classes, all conventions/competitions, and Nationals. I have read the above information and will be responsible for my child's account and activity requirements.
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Dancer Commitment
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As a member of the 2024-2025 BFDC Team you will actively participate in all scheduled events from July 2024 through Nationals in the summer of 2025. Your commitment to this program means that you will be participating in all classes, rehearsals, performances, competitions/conventions, recitals and Nationals that are scheduled during this time period. Your commitment to this program means you will come to class each time dressed appropriately with proper shoes, attire, and ready to learn. Your commitment to this program means that you will honor attendance requirements for all classes, rehearsals, performances, and all competitions/conventions, showcases and Nationals. Your commitment to this program means you will be respectful to all teachers and teammates at all times. In addition to the above, I understand a violation of my commitment to this program/contract has serious consequences that may result in my being permanently dismissed from the program.
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Team Letter of Commitment
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This correspondence serves as an agreement between you and The BFDC Team, as produced and directed by Megan Hertzog, Owner and Director of Be Famous Dance Center. Your child is choosing to be a member of the 2024-2025 BFDC Team, an honor as well as privilege. Your signature below indicates that you have read and fully understand all of the requirements associated with participating in the program, as outlined in your BFDC Team Handbook. Furthermore, your signature and that of your child indicates your acceptance of those terms and conditions, and that you are well aware of the commitment involved in this program.
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Teaching is my utmost passion and I cannot imagine doing anything else. Thank you for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to work with your children. I take my job very seriously, your child and their success in the program is my priority. Making decisions regarding placement in The BFDC Team and in the many routines that we produce is a long, difficult, and well-thought out process. No child is ever held back, but instead, encouraged to develop their skills to their fullest. I want each child to reach their full potential as a dancer.
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