Star Irish - 9th Grade Age Requirement- Students must be currently and continuously enrolled in Ballet and Tap Students must have been in Beginner Hard Shoe Irish for 2 years. Practices September 14th and 21st 9:15-9:45 PM Audition 8:45-9:15 PM
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email: (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Emergency Contact Info (Not Contact #1 or #2)
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Student is currently and continuously enrolled in Ballet and Tap?
Student was previously in Beginner Hard Shoe for 2 years?
Additional Information:
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