Tik Tok Dances - 7/14-7/18 - Half Day Camp for Ages 7-10.

Get ready to groove and create in our week-long TikTok Dance Camp! Young dancers will learn the latest (age-approprate) viral dances, perfect their moves, and even choreograph their own routines to share with friends and family. With plenty of fun, creativity, and rhythm, this camp will have your student dancing like a star in no time!

There will be a brief parent show-off at Noon on Friday.

Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Emergency Contact Info (Not Contact #1 or #2)*
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Additional Information:
Other Questions/Comments:
Credit Card Verification: