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Join us at Michigan Ballet Academy for a special Master Class on Saturday, March 8 with Hubbard Street Chicago's Jacqueline Barnett. Ms. Barnett's class will consist of a ballet warmup, followed by contemporary rep and partnering. This class is perfect for intermediate and advanced dancers. For questions, email our school administrator, Grace Hendrian at ghendrian@michiganballet.org.
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End Date/Time:
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Tuition Refund and Payment Policy
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Please read the following statements and check the 'I've read the above and agree' to move forward in the enrollment process. Tuition and Payment Policy Pre-Paid tuition is non-refundable except in the case of injury. The only exceptions are injury to the student preventing them from training. This must be documented by a doctor's note (M.D. only, PT notes are not accepted).
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Medical Emergency Consent
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Please read the following statements and check the 'I've read the above and agree' to move forward in the enrollment process. In the case of a medical emergency, the Academy will make every effort to contact you as soon as possible. In case we cannot, we need your consent to secure the necessary health care for your student. I represent that I am the parent/legal guardian of the above-designated student, who is a minor, and I hereby empower the authorities of the Michigan Ballet Academy to act on my behalf in case of an emergency. Permission is hereby extended to the medical profession as selected by the Michigan Ballet Academy to provide all necessary emergency medical attention.
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Liability Waiver
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Please read the following statements and check the 'I've read the above and agree' to move forward in the enrollment process. Liability of Injury and Personal Property I fully understand, recognize and am aware of the risk and hazards involved in the activities of dance provided by the Michigan Ballet Academy. I acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the nature of such activities and that I am of the opinion that above named student is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in any and all activities provided by the Michigan Ballet Academy. I hereby discharge, covenant not to sue and release the Michigan Ballet Academy, its agents, directors, employees, volunteers and all other associates from any and all liability, claims, or responsibility for any and all harm and injury which may be sustained by above named student during attending class or participation in activities and programs sponsored and directed by the Michigan Ballet Academy. Alongside this agreement, I also assume responsibility for all my and above named student’s personal belongings and release Michigan Ballet Academy its agents, directors, employees, volunteers and all other associates from any and all liability, claims, or responsibility for any lost or damaged personal items.
I've read the above and agree.
Photo and Video Release
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Please read the following statements and check the 'I've read the above and agree' to move forward in the enrollment process. I hereby give my consent to the Michigan Ballet Academy for photographs and/or video of above named student to be used for promotional purposes in newspapers, on TV and on the Website(s), Facebook or Twitter at any time for any reason. I waive any and all right to payment(s) for use of these photographs and/or video. I understand that this waiver does not expire.
I've read the above and agree.
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