4 openings left in this event!
Join our Exciting Beginner/Intermediate Gymnastics Class for ages 5-11! Discover the captivating world of gymnastics in a safe and supportive environment where children can learn, grow, and have a blast. Led by Ms. Destiny from GymGo Kids. Our program focuses on building a strong foundation in gymnastics skills while emphasizing safety and proper technique. From tumbling to balance beam, cartwheels to swinging on bars, and bouncing on trampolines, gymnast will have the opportunity to explore various apparatus and develop their coordination, strength, and flexibility. We provide individualized attention, ensuring each child progresses at their own pace and gains confidence in their abilities. The Annual Registration Fee for gymnastics class is $50 and the monthly tuition fee is $105. Classes are held every Thursday at 5:15pm to 6:15pm. Classes start on Thursday, August 8, 2024.
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