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Event Waiver
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Please read this contract carefully with your parents/guardians, and have both you and your parents/guardians sign it. Your signature on this contract seals your commitment to be on your very best behavior during the lock-in at Midstate on December 6th. Our goal is for everyone to have fun. We expect everyone to follow a few simple rules so we can have the best time possible.
Participant must initials below.
I will act responsibly and respectfully...
I agree to follow lock-in rules regarding areas and rooms that are designated as off-limits. If I roam into an off-limits area, my parents will be called, and I will be sent home.
I agree to leave my electronic devices in the cubby for the duration of the lock-in, with the exception of the scavenger hunt or when coach says you can. The goal of the lock in is to have fun with friends.
I will follow the direction of all Midstate chaperones at the lock-in. I will speak and act respectfully towards all adults.
Participants/Parent/Guardian Statement of Understanding
We have read and understand the Midstate Lock- in Contract. We understand what is expected of each participant and feel that we, parents and participants, can commit to these expectations. I, as the participants, understand and agree that if I violate any of these rules, my parents will be contacted, and I will be sent home IMMEDIATELY. We, as parents, will support the lead chaperone’s decision to send our participants home if the occasion arises.
certify that by registering my child with Midstate Cheer and Tumbling Gym, that I am aware of the inherit risks associated with participation in and participating for gymnastics, sports, tumbling, and other exercises engaged in by participants in the Gym. I, and my child, understand that participation in gymnastic practice is entirely our choice and it is with understanding if risks of accidental injury involved in any activity involving unusual motion or height, that I have given my full consent for my child to take part in these activities with Midstate Cheer and Tumbling Gym. I certify that I have contacted my child’s Physician about his/her participation in the program. With this release form, I also certify that any medical expenses, should an injury occur, are covered by my insurance policy, or will otherwise be borne, by me personally. I also authorize any authorized hospital, or licensed health care practitioner to perform an examination or render emergency treatment, which may be necessary in the event my child is injured during his/her participation in Midstate Cheer and Tumbling Gym activities if I am not present to direct the course of my child’s treatment.
In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in Midstate Cheer and Tumbling program, I hereby, for my child, personally, assume all risks in connection with Midstate gymnastics program, and I further release Christopher and Savannah Lovecchio, Midstate Cheer and Tumbling, and its employees and agents, from any and all liability for any injury or damage which may occur as a result of my child’s participation in the Gym’s program, including all risks connected therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen, and further, to save and hold harmless Midstate Cheer and Tumbling, and it’s employees, from any claim by me individually or on behalf of any child, his/her family, estate, heirs, or assigns, arising out of his/her enrollment and participation in Midstate Cheer and Tumbling.
I have fully informed myself of the contents of this release agreement by reading it before signing it. I agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducements apart from the foregoing written release agreement, have been made. I agree that the foregoing release agreement and waiver are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State of Louisiana, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force a
I've read the above and agree.
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