2 openings left in this event!
Working on mastering a specific skill? Want some extra time with your favorite coaches in the gym to perfect it? This Open Gym is for you! Skills Open Gyms are offered the 3rd Saturday of each month and are held from 1:00pm - 2:30pm. One of our highly trained safety certified staff will be stationed at each event for your kids to rotate around and get some extra practice on their favorite skills and events. Our priorities include safety, physical fitness and promoting self-esteem, all while having TONS of fun! The students will be within a 10:1 coach ratio. The cost is $25 ($20 for VIP Members) and students ages 5 and older may attend. If you are a VIP Member, our office staff will check for any credits and/or discounts before we charge your account. Please note that the current price is not a reflection of your VIP membership and will be adjusted.
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Is the student you are enrolling for our Skills Open Gym currently enrolled in a class at Best Gymnastics?*
This event is for current students only. If your child is not currently enrolled, call us at 972-832-1059 to enroll in a class today! (checked=yes)
Additional Information:
VIP Credits / Discounts
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I've read the above and agree.
Enter your Full Name: *   
Other Questions/Comments:
Credit Card Verification:
Card Number:  
Name as it appears on card:
Card Expiration Month:   Exp Year:
Address Line 1: Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip: