You're Invited to Soar & Explore: Aerial Demo Day! Join us for a fun-filled Open House where you and your family can experience the magic of aerial arts! Date: Saturday, January 25th Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Location: Live It Up Studio, Uptown Rapid (West Side entrance What to Expect: Free demos of Aerial Silks, Lyra, Sling, Trapeze, and more! Aerial Fitness and Acro Yoga sessions. ALL AGES, ALL LEVELS family-friendly event where everyone can participate! NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Discover the joy of flight, connect with our amazing community, and see why aerial arts are perfect for building strength, confidence, and creativity. This event is open to all, so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable experience! Preregister online or just drop in and get ready to soar! For more details, visit
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