Dive into the dynamic world of Acro with Black Hills Acro! Join us on October 5th for an exciting workshop designed for all levels, and no experience is needed—just a spirit of adventure and a willingness to explore. What to Expect: * Acro for Everyone: Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience, this workshop caters to all levels. Our skilled instructors will guide you through the fundamentals and beyond. Community Connection: Experience the joy of shared movement and build connections with fellow participants. Acro is not just about balance; it's about the collaboration and trust that develops between partners. * Progressive Learning: From foundational poses to more advanced sequences, our workshop is structured to meet you where you are on your Acro journey. Challenge yourself and discover the exhilaration of pushing your boundaries. * No Partner Needed: Don't worry if you don't have a partner. We'll be rotating and working with different people.
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