3 openings left in this event!
Welcome! We are excited for Fall Movement Story Time with the Village of Cottage Grove Library Programing collaboration with Communication Innovations and Dolphin Swim Academy. Story Time will start promptly at 10:00am and go until 10:30am. Then participants will have 15 minutes to change for Open Swim which will be from 10:45am to 11:15am. Each child swimming will need to have an adult with them. No exceptions. Any child not 100% toilet trained will need to have a reusable swim diaper. No exceptions. Dolphin Swim Academy will be closing at 11:30am, there will not be time to play in the lobby after swim and story time. If you are a current or past family with Dolphin Swim Academy or Flip & Dip Summer Camp, you already have a JackRabbit account and can login and register through your account. (It will not let you create a new account)
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Additional Information:
Limitations of Damages
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Waiver of Right to Bargin and Release of Liability Parties
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Personal Property and Appearance Release
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Assumption of Risk
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General Information
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Swim Diaper Policy
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Waiver of Right to Bargin
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Waiver of Rights and Release of Liability
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