EGC HARBORCREEK knows how to throw a Party! Join us for our best Party of the Year! The Halloween Party is 4hours of flippin' fun! We have a smorgasbord of food including...All the Candy , Pizza, EGC full sheet cake, chips, pretzels, you can eat! Doug's famous "foam from a rabid dog's mouth punch" & "Bloody Kool Aid" and a Candy Buffet that would make Willy Wonka proud! The party starts with a Halloween Costume Contest with prizes. Followed by Halloween Gymnastics Games and Contests. Followed by gorging on a ridiculous amount of food and candy, followed by more games and gymnastics activities (Trampoline & Rope Swings). Then we eat some more! Party Starts 7:00pm and pick up is11pm ; October 26, 2024- (HARBORCREEK location ONLY)
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