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Join us this summer and train for Excel all summer long. Specialty classes just for those who want to continue to improve their skills in preparation for Excel tryouts in September! Don’t miss out on this new experience. Starts the 1st week of June and will include up to 3 hours of training. This is a month-to-month membership.
Event: |
Start Date/Time: |
End Date/Time:
Fee per Student:
* - denotes required fields |
Family Information |
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Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Add New Student #1:
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Add New Student #2:
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Add New Student #4:
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Add New Student #5:
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Additional Information: |
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Consent to Participate
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Waiver of Liability & Release Form
I am aware of the nature of this activity and I hereby assume responsibility for the participant listed above to participate. I acknowledge that, while not common, any activity that involves height and motion (such as trampolines, tumbling and stunting) involves risk of injury ranging from minor (bruises and sprains) to more serious and catastrophic injuries. I will not hold Cheergyms.com Inc or its employees responsible in the case of accident or injury as a result of this participation. I understand that this completed form must be in the possession of Cheergyms.com prior to participation in any program. If, at any point, I have a question or a concern regarding the safety of my child or the intent of the program, I will contact the owner, manager or instructor immediately. I also allow the participants listed to be photographed and videotaped for publicity and advertising purposes only.
I've read the above and agree.
Financial Agreement
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I understand and agree that all payments are due on the 28th of each month. I understand that each participant will receive a statement by email, but even without a reminder my bill is still due. A paper statement can be printed out at the gym office. I understand and agree that if payment for any costs associated with the Cheergyms.com All-Star Competitive Cheer Program becomes a problem, the Cheergyms.com Accounting Dept. and/or the All-Star Director and/or the owners of the gym will notify the parents. Non-payment or continuous late payments are grounds to remove the cheerleader from any competing or performing situation until the payment problem has been resolved. Dismissal from the program for any reason does not cancel your obligation to pay the remainder as well as any past due amounts on your Financial Agreement.
I understand and agree that once signed this will be a binding financial agreement. No refunds will be given for leaving early no matter what the case (i.e. quitting, injury, being removed for non-compliance of rules and policies, etc.) I understand and agree that I can render this financial agreement null and void 15 days after contract signings by written notification.
I understand and agree that I will be a late fee of $35.00 if my payment is not made by the 3rd of each month. I understand and agree that if my check is returned or if my credit card is declined, I will may also be assessed a declined/returned item fee of $35.00.
I understand and agree that if I am fundraising and my fundraised money does not come in time to make my payment that is due, I will still be responsible to pay my payments on the due date and on time. I understand I can be reimbursed if that should happen.
I also understand and agree that as the parent signing the contract; I am solely responsible for fulfilling the financial obligations of this financial agreement. I understand that in the case of divorce or separation of parents, Cheergyms.com will have direct contact only with the parent who signs the financial agreement and is responsible for payment . It will be up to the parent who signs the contract with Cheergyms.com to advise the other parent of all information.
I understand and agree to allow Cheergyms.com to keep my credit card on file for my use during the season for the sole purpose of using it to pay for services/items provided by Cheergyms.com.
This allows Cheergyms.com to charge said credit card with just my verbal confirmation without a signature and accepting this agreement covers those terms.
I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Cheergyms.com by written email if this agreement is to be discontinued. I understand it is my responsibility to inform Cheergyms.com if the card expires, the card number changes or the card is unable to be used if funds are not available on said card.
I understand that if the card listed is declined for any reason I will be charged the $35 decline fee and will still be responsible for payment on the services or items I agreed to purchase.
Cheergyms.com understands that usage of this card can only be allowed if I personally give verbal permission and my initials on this agreement.
I've read the above and agree.
Cancellation Policy
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I understand this is a continuous month-to-month commitment and should I want to cancel this training that I will notify by email to the office staff no later than the 18th of the month prior to the next billing cycle of my request to cancel. I also understand my child's training will end on the last day of the currently paid month.
I've read the above and agree.
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Other Questions/Comments: |
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Credit Card Verification: |
Card Number: * |
Name as it appears on card: * |
Card Expiration Month: * |
Exp Year: *
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
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