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Dragon Warrior Quest is for kids 5 to 16 years old.
Saturday 6:00-7:30 pm
Members: $12 / Non-Members: $15
Retry Tokens available for $5 at the front desk or free for members if you bring a friend!
Event: |
Start Date/Time: |
End Date/Time:
Fee per Student:
* - denotes required fields |
Family Information |
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Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Add New Student #1:
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Add New Student #2:
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Add New Student #3:
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Add New Student #4:
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Add New Student #5:
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Questions/Options: |
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Additional Information: |
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Right of Removal:
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Gymfinity reserves the right to remove any child from events for disciplinary reasons and removed children are not afforded a refund or credit for missed time.
I've read the above and agree.
Authorization of Likeness Rights:
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At any given time Gymfinity may take photographs, audio or video recordings of activities at or with Gymfinity. I authorize Gymfinity, Ltd. or its designated agents to use and display likeness images of my child or myself for advertising or decorative purposes.
I've read the above and agree.
Authorization of Medical Care:
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In the case of injury or illness, if I cannot be reached, I authorize and desire medical care for my child at the discretion of the attending Physician. I accept responsibility for all associated expenses.
I've read the above and agree.
Liability Waiver and Indemnity Agreement:
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As conditions of the participation of the child described above (my child) in any of the programs conducted by Gymfinity, Ltd. d/b/a Gymfinity Gymnastics, including but not limited to tumbling and gymnastics events and programs, whether conducted on or off the premises of Gymfinity Gymnastics, I agree to the following:
1. Waiver of Claims: I waive any claims for bodily injury, personal injury or property damage against Gymfinity, Ltd., its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and insurers (collectively, Gymfinity), and any owners or lessors of the premises and any equipment used in connection with any programs with Gymfinity, arising out of our child's participation in any of the programs of Gymfinity whether on or off Gymfinity premises, or travel for the purpose of participating in any such programs or events.
2. Scope of Waiver-Entire Family: I understand that this waiver extends to injuries incurred by any member of our family, including my child identified above, myself, or any other family member.
3. Scope of Waiver-Valid Dates: This agreement shall remain in effect as long as and whenever our child participates in any activity at or with Gymfinity.
4. Indemnity of Gymfinity: If this agreement is not effective to waive liability on behalf of our child, ourselves, or any other family member, we further agree to indemnify Gymfinity for its liability including all costs, fees, and expenses in-cured by Gymfinity in connection with such liability.
I've read the above and agree.
No Show or Missed Event Refund Policy:
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Due to illness and unavoidable conflicts it is not always possible to fulfill your reservation. Cancellations prior to 5:00 p.m. the day before will be given a Gymfinity credit.
I've read the above and agree.
Late Pick Up Policy:
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Please note, that since we release coaches based on when children leave, there will be charges for late pick-ups. Each 10 minute increment will incur a $20 per child fee.
I've read the above and agree.
Water Bottles and Hydration Safety
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Due to the physically intense and exertive nature of this event, and our water fountain being off-limits due to COVID-19 preventative measures, I understand that I am REQUIRED to send my child(ren) with a water bottle. If I fail to do so, any registered children who have not been sent with a water bottle will be provided with one and the Jack Rabbit account of that family will be charged accordingly.
I've read the above and agree.
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Other Questions/Comments: |
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Credit Card Verification: |
Card Number: * |
Name as it appears on card: * |
Card Expiration Month: * |
Exp Year: *
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