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Rampage Athletics' Cheer Blitz Program is a fun and engaging introduction to the world of cheerleading! Perfect for beginners, this 6-week program focuses on teaching the foundational skills of cheer, including motions, jumps, stunts, and basic tumbling. Athletes will work in a team environment, building confidence, coordination, and teamwork while learning a fun routine to showcase at the end of the program. Designed for kids ages 3-6, Cheer Blitz is an excellent way to try out cheerleading without the commitment of a full season. With expert instruction and a supportive atmosphere, this program is ideal for young athletes looking to experience the excitement and energy of cheer.
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Additional Information:
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I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant. I acknowledge that my child is in good health. I give permission for my child to participate in any and all Rampage Athletics activities, including transportation to and from the activities. I give permission for, and assume any and all risk of my child's use of various surfaces including natural and artificial grass, cheer mats, hard dirt, and under varying conditions, including, dry, wet and muddy, and I hereby understand that any surface may be regular or irregular.
I've read the above and agree.
Medical Emergency
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I give permission for emergency medical/dental treatment or first aid to be administered to my child for any illness/injury/accident resulting from participation in Rampage Athletics activities.
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Insurance Disclosure
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I am aware that Rampage Athletics carries group accident medical insurance which is secondary or excess to my insurance which is considered primary insurance. Further, I agree to notify the president of any medical claim from participation in Rampage Athletics as soon as reasonably possible. I understand that the class fees is are not premium for insurance and that deductibles may apply.
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Assumption of Risk
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I acknowledge the inherent risk and danger of participation in any sport and I understand that participation in tumbling, cheerleading and/or dance may result in BODILY INJURY, PARALYSIS, BRAIN INJURY, PERMANENT DISABILITY AND/OR DEATH. I acknowledge that protective equipment does not prevent all participant injuries. I release, indemnify, hold harmless and waive any claim against the coaches, staff, and any and all organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my child to and from activities, for any injury to my child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.
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Release of Liability
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I hereby acknowledge and comprehend that any disputes arising with Rampage Athletics and its affiliated parties will be subjected to binding arbitration in Blue Springs, MO, in accordance with the laws of Missouri. I hereby consent to this binding arbitration as a substitute for any legal proceedings. Furthermore, I am aware and in agreement that if I challenge any decision or ruling made by Rampage Athletics and seek alternative remedies, I will be responsible for reimbursing Rampage Athletics for all reasonable legal fees and expenses incurred. In the event that any part of this agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be fully effective. By signing below, I confirm that I have thoroughly read, comprehended, and voluntarily agreed to be bound by all the aforementioned terms, and that all information provided by me is accurate and truthful.
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Photo Release
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I hereby grant permission to Rampage Athletics to use photographs and/or videos of me/my child, taken during any activity, for the purpose of promoting and publicizing their activities. I understand that these images may be used in various forms of media, including but not limited to print publications, websites, social media platforms, and promotional materials. I acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation for the use of these photographs and/or videos. I also understand that once the images are published, they may be viewed by a wide audience and may be downloaded, shared, or used by others without the control or knowledge of Rampage Athletics. I release Rampage Athletics, its representatives, employees, and any third parties acting under its authority, from any liability or claims arising from the use of these photographs and/or videos. I have read and understood the terms of this consent form before signing it.
I've read the above and agree.
Parent Code Of Conduct Policy
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Parent Accountability:
Our culture is predicated on POSITIVITY and we hold our parents accountable the same as we do our athletes.
We WILL NOT tolerate the following actions from parents:
Gossip or rumors in and around the program.
Negativity towards other parents, athletes, coaches or staff.
Withholding practice attendance or competition attendance as punishment.
Any violations of our communication policy stated below.
Inappropriate behavior at events / competitions, you as the parent are an extension of Rampage Athletics, therefore representing the program just as the athlete does.
We fully understand that competitive cheer is just that… competitive and that sometimes emotions can run high on all sides of the spectrum. We also understand that we as coaches / staff and parents are held accountable for our actions especially in front of our athletes and we will not tolerate repeated instances of the actions above or below. We will handle each situation on a case by case basis and operate on a 2 Infraction policy. First infraction will be a warning and the second will terminate the relationship / agreement of Rampage Athletics with the parent / athlete.
Parent-Coach Relationship:
Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult roles especially in competitive cheerleading. By establishing an understanding of each role, we are better able to accept the actions of each other and provide a greater benefit to our children. Parents, when your child becomes involved in our program, you have the right to understand what expectations will be placed on your child. This begins with clear communications from the Coach of your program.
Communications to expect from your child’s Coach:
Squad requirements (uniform/attendance).
Competition/practice schedule and updates.
Squad rules, guidelines and consequences for any infractions.
Injuries, Extra practices.
Communications Coaches expect from athletes/parents:
Any concerns are expressed DIRECTLY to the Coach.
Advanced notification of any schedule conflicts.
Advanced notification of any illness or injury – when possible.
It is the goal of everyone that each cheerleader will experience some rewarding moments in these growing years. It is important to understand that there may be times when things do not go the way you and/or your child wish. When this occurs, discussion with the Coach is encouraged. It is the first and most integral step to understanding and resolution.
Concerns are to be expressed at the appropriate time, that IS NOT:
During a practice
During a team meeting
During an Event/Competition (EVER) These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature usually do not promote positive resolution.
In front of the athlete
Appropriate times are:
We operate on a 24 hour cool down period, if you have an issue give it 24 hours before you contact the coach or director.
After a practice is complete and in private.
Scheduling a sit-down meeting with the Coach.
The days following a competition or event (NEVER DURING)
Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches:
Treatment of your child.
Ways to help your child improve.
Concerns about your child’s behavior.
Coaches are professionals. They make decisions based on what they believe to be in the best interest for the squad and for all the cheerleaders involved. Certain things can be and should be discussed with your child’s Coach. Other concerns must be left to the discretion of the Coach.
Inappropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches:
Squad placement.
Squad Strategy and Stunts.
Cheer selection.
Other athletes.
The critical factor in determining whether your child has a positive experience is the quality of their adult leaders, their parents and coaches.
What can a parent or coach do if the discussion did not provide a satisfactory resolution:
Call and discuss the situation with Rampage Athletics' President.
The appropriate next step then can be determined.
10 expectations of Good Sportsmanship:
No taunting, trash talk, and intimidating behaviors have no place in our program.
Attending competitions / events does not give you the right to abuse coaches, judges, athletes and other spectators.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Be a positive role model
Control your emotions at practices and competitions/events
Whether we win or lose, we will uphold a level of sportsmanship to the other teams and programs.
Respect your child’s coaches. Communicate with them in a positive way.
Sportsmanship begins with you as a parent.
Your child is always watching
Always look for that moment to lift someone up
I have read and understand the Parent Code of Conduct Policy.
I've read the above and agree.
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