June 9th-13th The Austin Dance Conservatory offers a pre-professional/professional Summer Dance Intensive for the serious intermediate, advanced, collegiate and professional dancer, Ages 11 and up, from June 9th-13th. All dancers are required to send in a video audition or attend the in person audition on May 18th. With our professional staff and renowned professional guest artists, dancers will study codified methods in ballet technique, pointe technique (if eligible), modern technique, contemporary movement principals, professional repertoire, and variations study, as well as a showcase of works at the end of the week. Cost for 1 week is $500 with a $200 deposit due at time of registration. Final payment of $300 is due May 1st. *All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
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