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Join us for Bunny Day! Meet the Easter Bunny, and take a photo at our photo wall! Interact with live bunnies, and have a pony ride. Each tickets includes a one hour visit to the farm and one pony ride!
Please arrive at the timeslot you registered for. Each timeslot group will begin in our Birthday Barn by our playground to meet our bunnies, and then will finish with Pony Rides in our Indoor Riding Arena!
3:30pm - 4:30pm
4pm - 5pm
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Please contact our Event Coordinator, Hannah, at 5088-654-5958 or bday@sweetmeadowfarm.com for any questions!
Event: |
Start Date/Time: |
End Date/Time:
Fee per Student:
* - denotes required fields |
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Waiver of Liability
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The Undersigned assumes the risks associated with equine-related and farm animal related activities, including but not limited to bodily injury and physical harm to horse, rider, spectator, and to property of themselves and others. The Undersigned agrees that notice of M.G.L. Chapter 128 Section 2D which limits liability for equine activity sponsors, is hereby given and is posted at the premises indicated. In consideration therefore, for the privilege of riding and/or working around horses and farm animals and exotic animals at the PREMISES or under the direction of Patricia Michaud, Albert Michaud, and Julie Tofte in regards to an equestrian riding program and an animal education program involving farm animals and exotic animals, and any of their agents, employees, or assigns, (which is designated hereinafter as “the Farm” individually and collectively) the Undersigned does hereby agree to waive liability and claims for, and to hold harmless and indemnify the FARM, their agents, and assignees; and hereby releases them from ANY AND ALL claims, liability or responsibility for accident, damage, injury, or illness to the Undersigned, or to any horse owned by the Undersigned, or to any invitee, guest, family member or spectator on the premises or on any premises while the undersigned is under the direction of the Farm. This waiver expressly includes actions or omissions which could be construed as ordinary negligence or a want of due care. Such claims may not be brought in future, even if injury occurs, because the undersigned has waived these claims in this agreement.
I've read the above and agree.
Farm Policy
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The Undersigned agrees to not arrive more than 5 minutes prior to the start of your scheduled tour. Our farm is not open to the public outside of tour time and we kindly ask that you refrain from roaming the property without an instructor.
I've read the above and agree.
Photo Policy
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Optional, Permission to Photograph Participant Limited Authorization for Use of Image Rights The undersigned recognizes that as an equestrian riding facility and an animal education program that the FARM maintains a website and posts pictures of Farm activity on that website and thus hereby gives permission for the Farm to both take pictures that capture images of persons including minors and agrees that the Farm has and will use those images on its website in order to illustrate and demonstrate the Farm's activities. The undersigned agrees that this notice is an authorization and permission to so use the images associated with the undersigned including the listed minor children and hereby releases the Farm for any claims related to this limited use. We will not use participants photos if you answer "No" to Photo Permission question under Student Information.
I've read the above and agree.
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