ONE WEEK REGISTRATION ONLY! Our TADA two-week summer ballet intensive is curated to enrich the training of serious dance students by offering appropriate and challenging instruction. This cross-disciplinary intensive will focus primarily on various forms of conditioning and stretch, ballet technique, repertoire, and pointe/variations for more advanced students, along with classes in other genres. WEEK 1: Monday-Friday, June 2-6. WEEK 2: June 9-13, tentatively 9am-230pm. Experienced dancers ages 7 and up, students split by age/level. ONE WEEK: $400/dancer for Team/YBC, $450 public. 1-week attendees are not eligible for scholarships or to perform in ending show. *There is no early bird discount for one-week attendees. Sibling Discounts Apply: 10 percent first sibling, 50 percent off second. * Emerald level only receives $75 discount due to reduced hours. Non-refundable deposit $200 will process 24- 48 hours after registration. Non-refundable balance due 2 weeks prior to event.
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone:* Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Emergency Contact Info (Not Contact #1 or #2)*
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
Will you be attending week 1 or week 2?*
Are you interested in joining our Youth Ballet Company , which offers more rigorous training in prep for a future in classical/contemporary ballet? *
Are you interested in joining our competition/convention Team TADA, which is higher-level training in prep for a future in commercial/collegiate/ pro dance? *
Are you interested in our Pre-Professional Program, a weekly college-level training class with performances for age 13 ? *Only open to YBC or Team members."*
Are you interested in our Showstoppers Novice program, which is a fun and easy intro to the world of competition, with a light training schedule - perfect for those who just want to try it out?*
Additional Information:
Financial Policy/Waiver of Release/Terms of Agreement
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I've read the above and agree.
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Other Questions/Comments:
Credit Card Verification:
Card Number: *  
Name as it appears on card: *
Card Expiration Month: *   Exp Year: *
Address Line 1: Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip:*