3 openings left in this event!
Aerial Arts Open Gym! Come to experience silks and Lyra (aerial hoop) for the first time, or work on or perfect your skills. No previous experience necessary. A coach will be available to critique and coach as needed.
Start Date/Time: End Date/Time:
Fee per Student: Room:
* - denotes required fields
Family Information
First Name:* Last Name: *
Home Phone: Cell #: Work #:
Email:* (Emails are kept confidential)
Address: *
City: * State: * Zip: *
Emergency Contact Info
Students entered below will be added to your family's account
I understand that I must wear a leotard and leggings (or footless tights) or unitard with pants to participate.*
Additional Information:
Legal Guardian
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Assumption of Risk
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Release of Liability
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Rules & Regulations
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Payment Policies
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Marketing Release
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I've read the above and agree.
Enter your Full Name: *   
Other Questions/Comments:
Credit Card Verification:
Card Number: *  
Name as it appears on card: *
Card Expiration Month: *   Exp Year: *
Address Line 1: Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip:*