Parent Handbook
I have received, or downloaded and viewed, a copy of the Parent Handbook and Agree to comply with the rules and regulations regarding attendance, health, clothing, and other items specified within.
You can download a copy on our school Website: on the Parent Handbook Tab
Complete Enrollment Pack
I understand that I will need to submit a complete 9 page enrollment packet. It must have a completed physicians report with stamp and copy of immunization card (with all immunizations up to date). PRIOR TO START DATE!
You can download a copy on our school Website: on the Enrollment Packet Tab
Withdrawal/Termination Policy
I understand that a two-week notice of intent to withdraw is required to receive my credit for the last week deposit paid at registration.
I have been informed of reasons my childcare service may be terminated, and understand the termination/refund clause in my parent handbook.
I have received a copy of the progressive guidance plan and agree to follow the program if required, and understand the termination/refund policies.
Payment Policies
I have been notified of the scheduled school holidays, and understand that I am responsible for the full tuition for my child, every week regardless of whether my child attends or the school is closed. *There is NO sick or Vacation Time
I have been informed of the school policies regarding tuition accounts, annual and summer registration fee, late payment and NSF fee's, fundraiser commitment fee, collection fee's and late pick-up fee's.
Permission to Photograph
Permission to photograph: I give permission for my child to be photographed and/or videotaped at the center for school projects; such as art, collage posters, displays, holiday cards/gifts, names tags, dance class, parties, or other such classroom uses.