I attest that my child(ren), as of the date of this Agreement and each time my child(ren) participants in an Abrakadoodle in-person program:
(a) He or she is not experiencing any symptoms described by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as being associated with illness caused by the COVID-19 virus, such as a fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or a new loss of taste or smell. That Participant has not experienced any of those symptoms in the past two weeks and that no one who lives in Participant's house has experienced any of these symptoms in the past two weeks. That to Participant's knowledge neither Participant, nor anyone living in Participant's house, has been exposed to any person who has been infected by the COVID-19 virus. If Participant or anyone in Participant's house has developed any of these symptoms, Participant agrees to notify Abrakadoodle and to not attend any Programs until the symptoms have cleared, testing has proven that there is not a coronavirus infection or that if there was an infection Participant is no longer contagious. Permission must be received from Abrakadoodle before Participant may return to the Program.
(b) Participant is aware that he or she must follow the safety and hygiene protocols that have been implemented by Abrakadoodle which have been provided to Participant and Participant has reviewed, and that if Participant fails to do so, Participant could be asked to leave the Program and not be permitted to participate in the future.
(c) Participant: (i) has not traveled internationally in the past 14 days, (ii) has not traveled to a highly impacted area within or outside the United States in the past 14 days, (iii) has not been exposed to a person with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, (iv) has not been diagnosed with COVID-19, (v) if he or she has been diagnosed with COVID-19, he or she has been cleared as noncontagious by state or local public health authorities and doctors, and (vi) is following recommended guidelines as much as possible - practicing social distancing by trying to maintain separation of six feet from others, and otherwise limiting his or her exposure to COVID-19.