
Welcome to Orlando Ballet School! Please complete the following registration form as a new student/family.

Credit card is required on file for all year-round, camp and summer intensive enrollments. Registration will be cancelled if form is received without payment information

Following completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email and required down payments will be processed following successful enrollment in the appropriate class.

*   denotes required fields

Referral Information
Family Information
Where do you live?
Additional Info
Contact #1
How Can We Contact You?
Portal Access (your email is your login)
(Emails are kept confidential)
Who is your employer?
Contact #2
How can we contact you?
(Emails are kept confidential)
Who is your employer?
Student #1
Additional Info

Please click on the Search button below, then choose the class based on either criteria:

Attention: 25-26 School year programming registration opens on May 30th

-New students age 6 or below as of Sept 1st: Enroll in the course they are eligible for based on their age. 

-New students age 7 and above as of Sept 1st: Must first complete a placement prior to enrollment. If you've already completed a placement, please enroll in your approved class. Registration fee will be charged to the card on file once enrollment has been approved. If you are enrolled in the incorrect class your registration will be automatically cancelled.  

-Students enrolling in the Youth Dance Program do not need to complete a placement class and can enroll in classes based on their age. Please search for the Youth dance program to find available classes.

-Students enrolling in Summer Intensive or Camp programs can locate the programs through the search feature and find them listed in alphabetical order. The system will not post programs your child is not eligible for regarding age requirements.

-Students enrolling in Community Enrichment programs (STEPS, FIRST STEPS, RISE etc) can find their child's residency location or school name and click on the class to register

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Credit Card
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