Register Class Description Days Times Gender Ages Openings Class Starts Class Ends Session Tuition
  Jazz/ Hip Hop 6th Grade and Up Monday 7:15pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Mon 7:15pm-8:00pm All   2 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 50.00
  Jazz/Hip Hop 3rd-5th Grade Monday 6:30pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Mon 6:30pm-7:15pm All   4 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 50.00
  Jazz/Hip Hop 3rd-5th Grade Tuesday 7:00pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Tue 7:00pm-7:45pm All   3 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 50.00
  Jazz/Hip Hop 6th Grade and Up Tuesday 7:45pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Tue 7:45pm-8:30pm All   1 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 50.00
  Jazz/Hip Hop Kinder Monday 5:30pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Mon 5:30pm-6:00pm All   10 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 45.00
  Jazz/HipHop 1st-2nd Grade Monday 6pm Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Mon 6:00pm-6:30pm All   1 09/09/2024 05/16/2025 2024-2025 45.00
  Jazz/Hip Hop 4th & 5th grade Mon. 5:15-6 Hip Hop is a funky class of sweat and soul working with today’s popular music. An extension of jazz that will teach rhythmical, original and energetic moves! Jazz dance is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, leaps and turns. Ballet is incorporated for jazz students to excel, as it encourages grace and balance. Mon 5:15pm-6:00pm All 8 - 11 3 09/09/2024 05/12/2025 2024-2025 50.00