//263484 document.write(' ');document.write('
RegisterClassDescriptionDaysTimesGenderAgesOpeningsClass StartsClass EndsSessionTuition
19108815300 Parent & Me Thu 11:00 AM Register300 Parent & Me Thu 11:00 AM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nGet ready to sign & dance with Coach X. Help your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Thu11:00am-11:50amAll0 - 3301/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19059699300 Parent & Me Thu 4:00 PM Register300 Parent & Me Thu 4:00 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nTWINKLES LEVEL:\nOne adult may participate with student. Adult Waiver Required.\n\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nGet ready to sign & dance with Coach X. Help your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Thu4:00pm-4:50pmAll0 - 3101/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18684434300 Parent & Me Sat 10:10 AM Wait List300 Parent & Me Sat 10:10 AM TWINKLES LEVEL:\nSTART DATE OCTOBER 5TH\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!\nSat10:10am-11:00amAll0 - 3010/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312664300 Parent & Me Sat 9:05 AM Wait List300 Parent & Me Sat 9:05 AM TWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!\nSat9:05am-9:55amAll0 - 3009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19108811300 Parent & Me Thu 10:00 AM Register300 Parent & Me Thu 10:00 AM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nGet ready to sign & dance with Coach X. Help your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Thu10:00am-10:50amAll0 - 3301/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312641300 Parent & Me Tue 9:45 AMRegister300 Parent & Me Tue 9:45 AMTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Tue9:45am-10:35amAll0 - 3509/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18551112600 Parent & Me Mon 10:00 AMRegister600 Parent & Me Mon 10:00 AMTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Mon10:00am-10:50amAll0 - 3509/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18629027600 Parent & Me Mon 11:00 AMRegister600 Parent & Me Mon 11:00 AMTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Mon11:00am-11:50amAll0 - 3709/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312813600 Parent & Me Sun 8:45 -9:35 AM Register600 Parent & Me Sun 8:45 -9:35 AM TWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nHelp your child learn better ways to communicate. They\'ll learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!\nSun8:45am-9:35amAll0 - 3109/08/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
15364429BOOK A PRIVATE LESSON WITH YOUR FAVORITE COACH (CONTACT INSTRUCTOR OR OFFICE TO SCHEDULE)RegisterBOOK A PRIVATE LESSON WITH YOUR FAVORITE COACH (CONTACT INSTRUCTOR OR OFFICE TO SCHEDULE)Portal Enrollment does not secure a time slot for a private lesson. Please schedule your time slot directly with your gymnastics coach by texting them your requested date and time. You may also request a private by emailing us at: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com or by calling (732) 972-8811.\n\nYou will not be billed at this time. On the day of your private you will be billed accordingly. \n\nCancelling a Private or Not showing Up for A Private Lesson: \n\nPrivates cancelled with less than 3 hours notice are subject to being billed the full amount of the private lesson. If you cancel with less than a 3 hour notice or do not show up for your lesson your credit card on file will be automatically charged the FULL AMOUNT OF THE LESSON. No exceptions\!\n\nSun-All0 - 1893712/08/24 PRIVATE LESSONS0.00
19401021CIT Counselor In Training Program Summer 2025 CIT Counselor In Training Program Summer 2025 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll - 806/30/2508/21/25Special Programs0.00
4872998GU GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY  GU GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY  Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu All - 109/07/21 Special Programs0.00
13282675Interested In Booking A Birthday Party At Monmouth GymnasticsRegisterInterested In Booking A Birthday Party At Monmouth GymnasticsUpon receipt of this request someone from our office will contact you to provide available time slots for booking your child\'s birthday party.\nThank you.Sat, Sun-All0 - 18901/01/2106/27/26Special Programs0.00
19282109INVITATION TO GU PRE-TEAM MINI HOT SHOTS INVITATION TO GU PRE-TEAM MINI HOT SHOTS Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu All - 2709/07/21 Special Programs0.00
18640524JOGA (LEVELS 1-4) Group A JOGA (LEVELS 1-4) Group A  -All - 509/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION465.00
18640539JOGA TEAM (Level 4) GROUP BRegisterJOGA TEAM (Level 4) GROUP B\n\n -All - 109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION465.00
18640547JOGA TEAM (Level 6) GROUP CWait ListJOGA TEAM (Level 6) GROUP C\n -All - 009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION465.00
18641214JOGA TEAM (Level 7) GROUP DRegisterJOGA TEAM (Level 7) GROUP D\n -All - 209/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION435.00
19274897LATE REGISTRATION Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListLATE REGISTRATION Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: LATE REGISTRATION\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-All - 006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19504850GODDARD SCHOOL PRIVATE CLASS (Session 2) CALICOS & PERSIANS (AGES 1&2)RegisterGODDARD SCHOOL PRIVATE CLASS (Session 2) CALICOS & PERSIANS (AGES 1&2)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\n8 WEEK SESSION $225 \n\nPRIVATE GROUP CLASS LOCATED AT THE GODDARD SCHOOL IN \nMORGANVILLE, NJ \n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nTue11:30am-12:00pmAll1 - 3504/01/2506/17/25Special Programs225.00
19274888LATE REGISTRATION Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListLATE REGISTRATION Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: LATE REGISTRATION\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-All2 - 16006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18629005300 Parent & Me (TRANSITION TO LITTLE STARS) W 12:00 PMRegister300 Parent & Me (TRANSITION TO LITTLE STARS) W 12:00 PMTWINKLES LEVEL:\nAGES 15 Months - 3 Years \nAdult Assistance Required \n\nYour child is closely ready for independence and are learning to communicate more willingly. At Parent & Me they will learn how to control body movements and use their body to navigate and problem solve across balance beams, large mats, and through little tunnels. We’ll also practice repetition and routine with regular parachute and bubble activities. Soon your little one will be leading the way down the tumble track\!\n\nWe’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world...we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world\!Wed12:00pm-12:50pmAll2.5 - 3709/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18831273300 COMETS Special Needs Open Play Fri 4:15-5:00 PM *Weekly Registration Required Register300 COMETS Special Needs Open Play Fri 4:15-5:00 PM *Weekly Registration Required WEEKLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nPARENT OR GUARDIAN PARTICIPATION MANDATORY.\n\nComets Open Play Description: \n\nThe Monmouth Gymnastics Special Needs Gymnastics OPEN PLAY is for children who want to explore gymnastics in a fun, safe, and encouraging environment. We know that all children are different, and it is important for each child to have the ability to explore gymnastics with guidance. We have seen thousands of children on the spectrum benefit greatly from small group open play. Gymnastics helps children not only physically, but also in cognitive and self-esteem development. As each child grows more comfortable with each movement and piece of equipment, they also grow more confident in themselves.\n\nSpecial Needs Gymnastics OPEN GYM includes: Obstacle Courses, Balance Beam, Tumble Track, Ladder, Rope Swing, Rock Wall & Trampoline.\n\nFri4:15pm-5:00pmAll3 - 131509/20/2406/20/25OPEN PLAYTIME - 300 CAMPUS DRIVE20.00
18544079300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Friday 10:00-12:00 PMRegister300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Friday 10:00-12:00 PM(DAILY REGISTRATION)\n\nMonday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nWednesday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nFriday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)Fri10:00am-12:00pmAll3 - 133509/06/2406/29/25OPEN PLAYTIME - 300 CAMPUS DRIVE20.00
16754265300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Monday 10:00-12:00 PMRegister300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Monday 10:00-12:00 PM(DAILY REGISTRATION)\n\nMonday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nWednesday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nFriday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)Mon10:00am-12:00pmAll3 - 133009/09/2406/29/25OPEN PLAYTIME - 300 CAMPUS DRIVE20.00
18544055300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Wednesday 10:00-12:00 PMRegister300 FALL & WINTER Open Play EVERY Wednesday 10:00-12:00 PM(DAILY REGISTRATION)\n\nMonday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nWednesday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)\nFriday 10-12 pm (Coach Brie)Wed10:00am-12:00pmAll3 - 132909/04/2406/29/25OPEN PLAYTIME - 300 CAMPUS DRIVE20.00
18312759300 Little Stars Mon 4:00 PMWait List300 Little Stars Mon 4:00 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon4:00pm-4:50pmAll3 - 4009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312765300 Little Stars Mon 5:10 PMWait List300 Little Stars Mon 5:10 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18632871300 Little Stars Mon 6:20 PM Register300 Little Stars Mon 6:20 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon6:20pm-7:10pmAll3 - 4109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312760300 Little Stars Mon 6:20 PM Register300 Little Stars Mon 6:20 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon6:20pm-7:10pmAll3 - 4109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18646148300 Little Stars Mon 7:30 PMRegister300 Little Stars Mon 7:30 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon7:30pm-8:20pmAll3 - 4409/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312819300 Little Stars Sat 10:10 AM Wait List300 Little Stars Sat 10:10 AM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat10:10am-11:00amAll3 - 4009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312721300 Little Stars Sat 10:10 AMWait List300 Little Stars Sat 10:10 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat10:10am-11:00amAll3 - 4009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312735300 Little Stars Sat 11:20 AMWait List300 Little Stars Sat 11:20 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat11:20am-12:10pmAll3 - 4009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312820300 Little Stars Sat 11:20 AMWait List300 Little Stars Sat 11:20 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat11:20am-12:10pmAll3 - 4009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312821300 Little Stars Sat 12:30 PMRegister300 Little Stars Sat 12:30 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat12:30pm-1:20pmAll3 - 4109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312667300 Little Stars Sat 12:30 PMRegister300 Little Stars Sat 12:30 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat12:30pm-1:20pmAll3 - 4109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312666300 Little Stars Sat 9:00 AMWait List300 Little Stars Sat 9:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat9:00am-9:50amAll3 - 4009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312818300 Little Stars Sat 9:00 AMRegister300 Little Stars Sat 9:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldSat9:00am-9:50amAll3 - 4109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18635599300 Little Stars Thu 10:00 AMWait List300 Little Stars Thu 10:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu10:00am-10:50amAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312740300 Little Stars Thu 11:00 AM Wait List300 Little Stars Thu 11:00 AM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nThu11:00am-11:50amAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18660449300 Little Stars Thu 12:00 PMRegister300 Little Stars Thu 12:00 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu12:00pm-12:50pmAll3 - 4209/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19108818300 Little Stars Thu 12:00 PM Register300 Little Stars Thu 12:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu12:00pm-12:50pmAll3 - 4201/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312693300 Little Stars Thu 4:00 PM Wait List300 Little Stars Thu 4:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu4:00pm-4:50pmAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312673300 Little Stars Thu 5:10 PMWait List300 Little Stars Thu 5:10 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312787300 Little Stars Thu 9:00 AM Register300 Little Stars Thu 9:00 AM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nThu9:00am-9:50amAll3 - 4209/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312668300 Little Stars Tue 10:00 AMWait List300 Little Stars Tue 10:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue10:00am-10:50amAll3 - 4009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312670300 Little Stars Tue 11:00 AMWait List300 Little Stars Tue 11:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue11:00am-11:50amAll3 - 4009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312739300 Little Stars Tue 4:00 PMWait List300 Little Stars Tue 4:00 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue4:00pm-4:50pmAll3 - 4009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19054897300 Little Stars Tue 4:00 PMWait List300 Little Stars Tue 4:00 PMMONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 7TH)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nClass Details:\nGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue4:00pm-4:50pmAll3 - 4001/07/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19054931300 Little Stars Tue 5:10 PM Wait List300 Little Stars Tue 5:10 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 7TH)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nClass Details:\nGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4001/07/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312816300 Little Stars Tue 5:10 PMWait List300 Little Stars Tue 5:10 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312676300 Little Stars Wed 4:00 PMWait List300 Little Stars Wed 4:00 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed4:00pm-4:50pmAll3 - 4009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312747300 Little Stars Wed 5:10 PM Wait List300 Little Stars Wed 5:10 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18701306300 Little Stars Wed 5:10 PM Wait List300 Little Stars Wed 5:10 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed5:10pm-6:00pmAll3 - 4009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18646290300 Little Stars Wed 6:20 PMWait List300 Little Stars Wed 6:20 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed6:20pm-7:10pmAll3 - 4009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312767300 Little Stars Wed 6:20 PMWait List300 Little Stars Wed 6:20 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed6:20pm-7:10pmAll3 - 4009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18701410300 Little Stars Wed 7:30 PM Register300 Little Stars Wed 7:30 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed7:30pm-8:20pmAll3 - 4209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18551273600 CPC High Point High School - THURSDAY 9:45/10:45 & 11:45AM 600 CPC High Point High School - THURSDAY 9:45/10:45 & 11:45AMThursdays:\n9:45-10:15 am, 10:45-11:15 am & 11:45-12:15 pmThu9:45am-12:15pmAll3 - 13Mon: 0
Tue: 0
Wed: 0
Thu: 0
Fri: 0
09/03/2406/17/25Special Programs 
18551261600 CPC High Point High School - TUESDAY 10:45 & 11:45 AM 600 CPC High Point High School - TUESDAY 10:45 & 11:45 AMTuesdays:\n10:45-11:15 am\n&\n11:45-12:15 pmTue10:45am-12:15pmAll3 - 13Mon: 0
Tue: 0
Wed: 0
Thu: 0
Fri: 0
09/03/2406/17/25Special Programs 
18871388600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 23rd, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 23rd, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162604/23/2504/23/25Special Programs15.00
18871386600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 2nd, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 2nd, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162604/02/2504/02/25Special Programs15.00
18871390600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 30th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 30th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162804/30/2504/30/25Special Programs15.00
18871387600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 9th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - April 9th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162804/09/2504/09/25Special Programs15.00
18871376600 HOMESCHOOL POD - March 19th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - March 19th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162803/19/2503/19/25Special Programs15.00
18871378600 HOMESCHOOL POD - March 26th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - March 26th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162803/26/2503/26/25Special Programs15.00
18871393600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 14th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 14th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162805/14/2505/14/25Special Programs15.00
18871395600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 21st, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 21st, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162805/21/2505/21/25Special Programs15.00
18871397600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 28th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 28th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162805/28/2505/28/25Special Programs15.00
18871392600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 7th, 2025 - 1:30 PMRegister600 HOMESCHOOL POD - May 7th, 2025 - 1:30 PMLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 162805/07/2505/07/25Special Programs15.00
18551788600 Little Stars Fri 1:30 PM Register600 Little Stars Fri 1:30 PM  Fri1:30pm-2:20pmAll3 - 4109/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18629148600 Little Stars Fri 4:10 PM Wait List600 Little Stars Fri 4:10 PM  Fri4:10pm-5:00pmAll3 - 4009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18634416600 Little Stars Fri 5:20 PM Wait List600 Little Stars Fri 5:20 PM  Fri5:20pm-6:10pmAll3 - 4009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18635214600 Little Stars Fri 6:30 PM Wait List600 Little Stars Fri 6:30 PM  Fri6:30pm-7:20pmAll3 - 4009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312671600 Little Stars Mon 10:00 AMRegister600 Little Stars Mon 10:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon10:00am-10:50amAll3 - 4209/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312640600 Little Stars Mon 11:00 AMRegister600 Little Stars Mon 11:00 AMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldMon11:00am-11:50amAll3 - 4309/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18551765600 Little Stars Thu 1:00 PM Register600 Little Stars Thu 1:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nThu1:00pm-1:50pmAll3 - 4209/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18551455600 Little Stars Thu 3:00 PM Wait List600 Little Stars Thu 3:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nThu3:00pm-3:50pmAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18861941600 Little Stars Thu 3:00 PM Register600 Little Stars Thu 3:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nThu3:00pm-3:50pmAll3 - 4309/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18633327600 Little Stars Thu 6:30 PMWait List600 Little Stars Thu 6:30 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldThu6:30pm-7:20pmAll3 - 4009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312652600 Little Stars Tue 1:00 PMWait List600 Little Stars Tue 1:00 PMGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldTue1:00pm-1:50pmAll3 - 4009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18551317600 Little Stars Tues 2:00 PM Register600 Little Stars Tues 2:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years Old\nTue2:00pm-2:50pmAll3 - 4309/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
18312692600 Little Stars Wed 3:00 PM Register600 Little Stars Wed 3:00 PM GIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 3-4 Years OldWed3:00pm-3:50pmAll3 - 4209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION99.00
19263111AFTER CARE Week 1 = Pick & Choose Your Days 6/30-7/3/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 1 = Pick & Choose Your Days 6/30-7/3/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 19
Tue: 20
Wed: 20
Thu: 19
Fri: 0
06/30/2507/03/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263112AFTER CARE Week 2 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/7-7/10 /25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 2 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/7-7/10 /25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 19
Tue: 20
Wed: 20
Thu: 0
Fri: 0
07/07/2507/10/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263113AFTER CARE Week 3 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/14-7/17/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 3 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/14-7/17/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 16
Tue: 20
Wed: 17
Thu: 19
Fri: 0
07/14/2507/17/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263114AFTER CARE Week 4 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/21-7/24/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 4 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/21-7/24/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 19
Tue: 17
Wed: 20
Thu: 16
Fri: 0
07/21/2507/24/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263115AFTER CARE Week 5 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/28-7/31/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 5 = Pick & Choose Your Days 7/28-7/31/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 20
Tue: 20
Wed: 20
Thu: 20
Fri: 0
07/28/2507/31/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263116AFTER CARE Week 6 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/4-8/7/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 6 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/4-8/7/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 18
Tue: 16
Wed: 19
Thu: 15
Fri: 0
08/04/2508/07/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263117AFTER CARE Week 7 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/11-8/14/25RegisterAFTER CARE Week 7 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/11-8/14/25After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 18
Tue: 15
Wed: 19
Thu: 14
Fri: 0
08/11/2508/14/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19263118AFTER CARE Week 8 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/18-8/21RegisterAFTER CARE Week 8 = Pick & Choose Your Days 8/18-8/21After Care is available daily for just $25 per day. Select the days you need based on your schedule. \n\nThe After Care program offers structured activities, arts and crafts, and other indoor activities, including games and special event activities. The program is designed to promote positive youth development in a safe place where youth can interact with peers & create friendships.Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu3:00pm-6:00pmAll3 - 16Mon: 19
Tue: 19
Wed: 20
Thu: 18
Fri: 0
08/18/2508/21/25AFTER CARE SUMMER CAMP 20251 Day: 25.00
2 Days: 50.00
3 Days: 75.00
4 Days: 100.00
19185171GODDARD GROUP MASTER LISTWait ListGODDARD GROUP MASTER LISTLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeTue10:00am-1:00pmAll3 - 160  Special Programs 
19505105GODDARD SCHOOL (Session 2) PRIVATE CLASS TIGERS & CHEETAHS(AGES 3&4)RegisterGODDARD SCHOOL (Session 2) PRIVATE CLASS TIGERS & CHEETAHS(AGES 3&4)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\n8 WEEK SESSION $225 \n\nSESSION #2 is the following dates:\n4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 5/6, 5/20, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17\n\nPRIVATE GROUP CLASS LOCATED AT THE GODDARD SCHOOL IN \nMORGANVILLE, NJ \n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nTue10:00am-10:45amAll3 - 4504/01/2506/17/25Special Programs225.00
18857356HOMESCHOOL POD GROUP MASTER LISTRegisterHOMESCHOOL POD GROUP MASTER LISTLOCATION: 600 CAMPUS DRIVE\nGymnastics Class For Boys & Girls \nFuture Rate: $15 or $20 per child based on group sizeWed1:30pm-2:30pmAll3 - 1625  Special Programs 
19050275LITTLE STARS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListLITTLE STARS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: LITTLE STARS STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-All3 - 5006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19238958Sparklers Week 1 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 6/30 - 7/3RegisterSparklers Week 1 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 6/30 - 7/3Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 29
Tue: 29
Wed: 31
Thu: 30
Fri: 0
06/30/2507/03/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239026Sparklers Week 2 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/7 - 7/10RegisterSparklers Week 2 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/7 - 7/10Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 26
Tue: 26
Wed: 28
Thu: 29
Fri: 0
07/07/2507/10/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239031Sparklers Week 3 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/14 - 7/17RegisterSparklers Week 3 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/14 - 7/17Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 27
Tue: 28
Wed: 29
Thu: 30
Fri: 0
07/14/2507/17/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239035Sparklers Week 4 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/21 - 7/24RegisterSparklers Week 4 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/21 - 7/24Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 27
Tue: 23
Wed: 29
Thu: 27
Fri: 0
07/21/2507/24/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239164Sparklers Week 5 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/28 - 7/31RegisterSparklers Week 5 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 7/28 - 7/31Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 34
Tue: 34
Wed: 35
Thu: 36
Fri: 0
07/28/2507/31/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239169Sparklers Week 6 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/4 - 8/7RegisterSparklers Week 6 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/4 - 8/7Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 31
Tue: 32
Wed: 33
Thu: 33
Fri: 0
08/04/2508/07/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239442Sparklers Week 7 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/11 - 8/14RegisterSparklers Week 7 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/11 - 8/14Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 30
Tue: 26
Wed: 32
Thu: 28
Fri: 0
08/11/2508/14/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19239454Sparklers Week 8 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/18 - 8/21RegisterSparklers Week 8 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 3- 7) Dates: 8/18 - 8/21Choose & select full day camp days or weeks for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 years old. Full day includes 6 hours of healthy activities which includes 4.5 hours of gymnastics, 30 minutes of crafts, two 15 minute snack breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nOptions Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders & Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\n\n\n\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll3 - 7Mon: 32
Tue: 30
Wed: 34
Thu: 32
Fri: 0
08/18/2508/21/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
18312733300 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Wed 6:20 PM (ages 4 to 6)Register300 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Wed 6:20 PM (ages 4 to 6)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\nAges 4-7 Years OldWed6:20pm-7:20pmAll4 - 6109/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18699056300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Sat 11:20 AM (ages 4 & 5)Wait List300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Sat 11:20 AM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSSat11:20am-12:20pmAll4 - 5010/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312728300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Thu 10:00 AM (ages 4 & 5)Register300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Thu 10:00 AM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSThu10:00am-11:00amAll4 - 5109/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18635604300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Thu 11:00 AM (ages 4 & 5)Register300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Thu 11:00 AM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSThu11:00am-12:00pmAll4 - 5309/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18701389300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 6:20 PM (ages 4 & 5)Wait List300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 6:20 PM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYS ONLYWed6:20pm-7:20pmAll4 - 5009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18651295300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 7:30 PM (ages 4 & 5)Register300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 7:30 PM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS ONLYWed7:30pm-8:30pmAll4 - 5409/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641382600 Girls MINI Advanced Thurs 4:00 PMWait List600 Girls MINI Advanced Thurs 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate/Advanced Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 4-7 Years\n\nThu4:00pm-5:30pmAll4 - 7009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312702600 Girls MINI Advanced Tues 4:00 PMRegister600 Girls MINI Advanced Tues 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate/Advanced Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 4-7 Years\n\nTue4:00pm-5:30pmAll4 - 7309/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312723600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Thu 4:10 PM (ages 4 to 6) Register600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Thu 4:10 PM (ages 4 to 6) Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\nAges 5-8 Years OldThu4:10pm-5:10pmAll4 - 6209/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19059696600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Star Wed 6:30 PM Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Star Wed 6:30 PM START DATE JANUARY 8TH, 2025\nWed6:30pm-7:30pmAll4 - 7101/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19055037600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Fri 4:10 PM (ages 4 & 5) Wait List600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Fri 4:10 PM (ages 4 & 5) MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 3RD)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\n\nClass Details:\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-5 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSFri4:10pm-5:10pmAll4 - 5001/03/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19077772600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Fri 5:20 PM (ages 4 & 5)Wait List600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Fri 5:20 PM (ages 4 & 5)MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 3RD)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSFri5:20pm-6:20pmAll4 - 5001/03/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641366600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Th 1:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Th 1:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)INTERMEDIATE LEVEL\nAGES 4 & 5\nGIRLS & BOYSThu1:00pm-2:00pmAll4 - 5309/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18640122600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Tues 2:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Tues 2:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)INTERMEDIATE LEVEL\nAGES 4 & 5\nGIRLS & BOYSTue2:00pm-3:00pmAll4 - 5409/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18640143600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 3:00 PM (ages 4 & 5)Wait List600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Starlites Wed 3:00 PM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS & BOYS ONLYWed3:00pm-4:00pmAll4 - 5009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312638600 CO-ED Starlites Tue 1:00 PM (ages 4 & 5)Register600 CO-ED Starlites Tue 1:00 PM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS & BOYS 5-7 Years OldTue1:00pm-2:00pmAll4 - 5209/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18753319600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 4:10 PM (Ages 4-6)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 4:10 PM (Ages 4-6)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri4:10pm-5:10pmAll4 - 6804/04/2504/04/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753328600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 4:10 PM (Ages 4-6)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 4:10 PM (Ages 4-6)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri4:10pm-5:10pmAll4 - 6806/06/2506/06/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19505099GODDARD SCHOOL (Session 2) PRIVATE CLASS LIONS & LEOPARDS (4&5)RegisterGODDARD SCHOOL (Session 2) PRIVATE CLASS LIONS & LEOPARDS (4&5)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\n8 WEEK SESSION $225 \n\n\nSESSION #2 is the following dates:\n4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 5/6, 5/20, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17\n\n\n\nPRIVATE GROUP CLASS LOCATED AT THE GODDARD SCHOOL IN \nMORGANVILLE, NJ \n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nTue10:45am-11:30amAll4 - 51104/01/2506/17/25Special Programs225.00
19177002GODDARD SCHOOL Session 1 PRIVATE CLASS LIONS & LEOPARDS (4&5)Wait ListGODDARD SCHOOL Session 1 PRIVATE CLASS LIONS & LEOPARDS (4&5)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\n8 WEEK SESSION $225 \n\nPRIVATE GROUP CLASS LOCATED AT THE GODDARD SCHOOL IN \nMORGANVILLE, NJ \n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nTue10:45am-11:30amAll4 - 5001/07/2503/25/25Special Programs225.00
18747452School\'s Out Camp Friday, April 18th "Spring Recess-Good Friday"RegisterSchool\'s Out Camp Friday, April 18th "Spring Recess-Good Friday"School\'s Out but we\'re in\! Join us for School\'s Out Camp Day of Fun\! Ages 4 & Up (Must be potty trained)\n*Non-members welcome too\! \nWaiver Required for all participants. Includes pizza lunch & drink. Just send your child with a snack for the morning, a 2nd snack for the afternoon, and a refillable water bottle. \n***ALL SNACKS Must be PEANUT FREE\!***\nIs your children interested in trying gymnastics? This is a great way to give it a try\! If you child attends regularly the camp will also reinforce current skills while learning how to progress forward. Children will enjoy learning in our safe, bright and clean facility. The program includes 4 hours of gymnastics, games, craft, lunch & two short snack breaks. Simply send your child with a peanut free lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle. We have a filtered water refill station for their convenience. Drop off at 9 am and pick up at 3 pm. After Care is Not Provided.\nFri9:00am-3:00pmAll4 - 134704/18/2504/18/25SCHOOLS OUT CAMP85.00
18747442School\'s Out Camp Monday, April 14th "Spring Recess"RegisterSchool\'s Out Camp Monday, April 14th "Spring Recess"School\'s Out but we\'re in\! Join us for School\'s Out Camp Day of Fun\! Ages 4 & Up (Must be potty trained)\n*Non-members welcome too\! \nWaiver Required for all participants. Includes pizza lunch & drink. Just send your child with a snack for the morning, a 2nd snack for the afternoon, and a refillable water bottle. \n***ALL SNACKS Must be PEANUT FREE\!***\nIs your children interested in trying gymnastics? This is a great way to give it a try\! If you child attends regularly the camp will also reinforce current skills while learning how to progress forward. Children will enjoy learning in our safe, bright and clean facility. The program includes 4 hours of gymnastics, games, craft, lunch & two short snack breaks. Simply send your child with a peanut free lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle. We have a filtered water refill station for their convenience. Drop off at 9 am and pick up at 3 pm. After Care is Not Provided.\nMon9:00am-3:00pmAll4 - 134704/14/2504/14/25SCHOOLS OUT CAMP85.00
18747449School\'s Out Camp Thursday, April 17th "Spring Recess"RegisterSchool\'s Out Camp Thursday, April 17th "Spring Recess"School\'s Out but we\'re in\! Join us for School\'s Out Camp Day of Fun\! Ages 4 & Up (Must be potty trained)\n*Non-members welcome too\! \nWaiver Required for all participants. Includes pizza lunch & drink. Just send your child with a snack for the morning, a 2nd snack for the afternoon, and a refillable water bottle. \n***ALL SNACKS Must be PEANUT FREE\!***\nIs your children interested in trying gymnastics? This is a great way to give it a try\! If you child attends regularly the camp will also reinforce current skills while learning how to progress forward. Children will enjoy learning in our safe, bright and clean facility. The program includes 4 hours of gymnastics, games, craft, lunch & two short snack breaks. Simply send your child with a peanut free lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle. We have a filtered water refill station for their convenience. Drop off at 9 am and pick up at 3 pm. After Care is Not Provided.\nThu9:00am-3:00pmAll4 - 134404/17/2504/17/25SCHOOLS OUT CAMP85.00
18747445School\'s Out Camp Tuesday, April 15th "Spring Recess"RegisterSchool\'s Out Camp Tuesday, April 15th "Spring Recess"School\'s Out but we\'re in\! Join us for School\'s Out Camp Day of Fun\! Ages 4 & Up (Must be potty trained)\n*Non-members welcome too\! \nWaiver Required for all participants. Includes pizza lunch & drink. Just send your child with a snack for the morning, a 2nd snack for the afternoon, and a refillable water bottle. \n***ALL SNACKS Must be PEANUT FREE\!***\nIs your children interested in trying gymnastics? This is a great way to give it a try\! If you child attends regularly the camp will also reinforce current skills while learning how to progress forward. Children will enjoy learning in our safe, bright and clean facility. The program includes 4 hours of gymnastics, games, craft, lunch & two short snack breaks. Simply send your child with a peanut free lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle. We have a filtered water refill station for their convenience. Drop off at 9 am and pick up at 3 pm. After Care is Not Provided.\nTue9:00am-3:00pmAll4 - 134504/15/2504/15/25SCHOOLS OUT CAMP85.00
18747448School\'s Out Camp Wednesday, April 16th "Spring Recess"RegisterSchool\'s Out Camp Wednesday, April 16th "Spring Recess"School\'s Out but we\'re in\! Join us for School\'s Out Camp Day of Fun\! Ages 4 & Up (Must be potty trained)\n*Non-members welcome too\! \nWaiver Required for all participants. Includes pizza lunch & drink. Just send your child with a snack for the morning, a 2nd snack for the afternoon, and a refillable water bottle. \n***ALL SNACKS Must be PEANUT FREE\!***\nIs your children interested in trying gymnastics? This is a great way to give it a try\! If you child attends regularly the camp will also reinforce current skills while learning how to progress forward. Children will enjoy learning in our safe, bright and clean facility. The program includes 4 hours of gymnastics, games, craft, lunch & two short snack breaks. Simply send your child with a peanut free lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle. We have a filtered water refill station for their convenience. Drop off at 9 am and pick up at 3 pm. After Care is Not Provided.\nWed9:00am-3:00pmAll4 - 134604/16/2504/16/25SCHOOLS OUT CAMP85.00
18641662300 CO - ED Stars Mon 6:20 PM Wait List300 CO - ED Stars Mon 6:20 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSMon6:20pm-7:20pmAll5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312777300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Sat 8:30 AM Wait List300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Sat 8:30 AM Our Assisted Special Needs Gymnastics Program is a specially designed class for boys and girls with various learning difficulties. This class has a smaller coach to student ratio, and allows more individual assistance to each child. A parent is welcomed and encouraged on the floor with child, if needed. Our qualified instructor will incorporate a range of activities, so that the child receives a fun introduction to gymnastics. The goal of this class is introduce the child to movement and proper use of our equipment. Your child will gain strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning.Sat8:30am-9:05amAll5 - 12009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312797300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Tues 3:15 PM *Register300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Tues 3:15 PM **STRUCTURED CLASS\n\nOur Assisted Special Needs Gymnastics Program is a specially designed class for boys and girls with various learning difficulties. This class has a smaller coach to student ratio, and allows more individual assistance to each child. A parent is welcomed and encouraged on the floor with child, if needed. Our qualified instructor will incorporate a range of activities, so that the child receives a fun introduction to gymnastics. The goal of this class is introduce the child to movement and proper use of our equipment. Your child will gain strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning.Tue3:15pm-3:55pmAll5 - 12509/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18631006300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Wed 3:15 PM *Register300 CO-ED Comets Assisted Special Needs Wed 3:15 PM **STRUCTURED CLASS\n\nOur Assisted Special Needs Gymnastics Program is a specially designed class for boys and girls with various learning difficulties. This class has a smaller coach to student ratio, and allows more individual assistance to each child. A parent is welcomed and encouraged on the floor with child, if needed. Our qualified instructor will incorporate a range of activities, so that the child receives a fun introduction to gymnastics. The goal of this class is introduce the child to movement and proper use of our equipment. Your child will gain strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning.Wed3:15pm-3:55pmAll5 - 12209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18783667300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Sat 12:30 PMRegister300 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Sat 12:30 PMSTART DATE OCTOBER 5TH\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSSat12:30pm-1:30pmAll5 - 7110/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312649300 CO-ED Stars Mon 5:10 PMWait List300 CO-ED Stars Mon 5:10 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSMon5:10pm-6:10pmAll5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19060916300 CO-ED Stars Thu 4:00 PM Register300 CO-ED Stars Thu 4:00 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\n\nThu4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 7101/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18873043300 Girls Rockets Mon 6:20 PM Register300 Girls Rockets Mon 6:20 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldMon6:20pm-7:20pmAll5 - 7310/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19059700300 Girls Twilights Thurs 5:10 PM Wait List300 Girls Twilights Thurs 5:10 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBeginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldThu5:10pm-6:10pmAll5 - 7001/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18874113600 Beginner Tumbling Sat 10:20 AM Register600 Beginner Tumbling Sat 10:20 AM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nSat10:20am-11:20amAll5 - 8110/26/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312749600 Beginner Tumbling Thurs 6:30 PM (ages 5- 7)Wait List600 Beginner Tumbling Thurs 6:30 PM (ages 5- 7)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\nAges 5 & Up\nThu6:30pm-7:30pmAll5 - 7009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18741835600 CO-ED Stars Thursday 4:10 PMRegister600 CO-ED Stars Thursday 4:10 PM\n\nThu4:10pm-5:10pmAll5 - 7109/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19055006600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Fri 6:30 PM Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Fri 6:30 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 7TH)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nClass Details:\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSFri6:30pm-7:30pmAll5 - 5301/03/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18874107600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Friday 5:20 PM Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Friday 5:20 PM  Fri5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 7310/18/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19108072600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Wed 5:20 PM Register600 CO-ED Girls & Boys Stars Wed 5:20 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS & BOYS 5-7 Years OldWed5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 7301/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312804600 CO-ED Stars (Girls & Boys) Sat 10:20 AM Wait List600 CO-ED Stars (Girls & Boys) Sat 10:20 AM BEGINNER LEVEL: \nGirls & Boys 5-7 Years Old\nSat10:20am-11:20amAll5 - 7009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18634407600 CO-ED Stars Friday 4:10 PMWait List600 CO-ED Stars Friday 4:10 PM Fri4:10pm-5:10pmAll5 - 7009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312782600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys TH 7:35 PMWait List600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys TH 7:35 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS & BOYS 5-7 Years OldThu7:35pm-8:35pmAll5 - 7009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18698725600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys Wed 7:35 PMRegister600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys Wed 7:35 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS & BOYS 5-7 Years OldWed7:35pm-8:35pmAll5 - 7109/04/2406/18/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312719600 CO-ED Stars Sat 12:30 PMRegister600 CO-ED Stars Sat 12:30 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYSSat12:30pm-1:30pmAll5 - 7109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312801600 CO-ED Stars Sat 9:10 AM Wait List600 CO-ED Stars Sat 9:10 AM BEGINNER LEVEL\nCo-ed AGES 5-7 Years \nSat9:10am-10:10amAll5 - 7009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312636600 Girls Rockets Mon 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Rockets Mon 5:20 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldMon5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18647653600 Girls Rockets Mon 6:30 PMRegister600 Girls Rockets Mon 6:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldMon6:30pm-7:30pmAll5 - 7109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19105449600 Girls Twilights Thurs 4:10 PMWait List600 Girls Twilights Thurs 4:10 PMSTART DATE JANUARY 2ND\n\nNOTICE: Upon enrolling your account on file will be billed for 1st Month (January) and last month (June 2025) for the month to month session.\n\nBeginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldThu4:10pm-5:10pmAll5 - 7001/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18880458600 Girls Twilights Tues 5:20 PM (COACH WARMS UP 10 MINS)Register600 Girls Twilights Tues 5:20 PM (COACH WARMS UP 10 MINS)Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years Old\n\nNOTE FROM MANAGEMENT:\n5:20-5:30 pm\nCOACH ALENA WILL WARM UP GROUP/cmmTue5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 7112/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312737600 Girls Twilights Wed 4:10 PM Wait List600 Girls Twilights Wed 4:10 PM Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed4:10pm-5:10pmAll5 - 7009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18646252600 Girls Twilights Wed 5:20 PM Register600 Girls Twilights Wed 5:20 PM Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 7109/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18742947600 Girls Twilights Wed 6:00 PM Register600 Girls Twilights Wed 6:00 PM Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed6:00pm-7:00pmAll5 - 7109/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18695847600 Girls Twilights Wed 6:30 PM Register600 Girls Twilights Wed 6:30 PM Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed6:30pm-7:30pmAll5 - 7109/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19059697600 Girls Twilights Wed 7:35 PM Register600 Girls Twilights Wed 7:35 PM START DATE: JANUARY 8, 2025\n\nBeginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed7:35pm-8:35pmAll5 - 7401/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19233410600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, April 26th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, April 26th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12804/26/2504/26/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233407600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, April 5th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, April 5th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12704/05/2504/05/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233403600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 15th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Wait List600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 15th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12003/15/2503/15/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233404600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 22nd - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 22nd - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12703/22/2503/22/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233406600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 29th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, March 29th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12403/29/2503/29/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233415600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 10th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 10th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12805/10/2505/10/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233417600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 17th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 17th - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12805/17/2505/17/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233419600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 31st - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 31st - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12805/31/2505/31/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19233412600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 3rd - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Saturday, May 3rd - 9:30 AM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Sat9:30am-10:30amAll5 - 12805/03/2505/03/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441082600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 1st - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 1st - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8804/01/2504/01/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441092600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 22nd - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 22nd - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8804/22/2504/22/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441096600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 29th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 29th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8804/29/2504/29/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441088600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 8th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, April 8th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8804/08/2504/08/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441077600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, March 25th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, March 25th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8403/25/2503/25/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441102600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 13th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 13th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8805/13/2505/13/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441107600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 20th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 20th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8805/20/2505/20/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19441108600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 27th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Beginner - Tuesday, May 27th - 4:00 PM (Ages 5 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Tue4:00pm-5:00pmAll5 - 8805/27/2505/27/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753344600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 8804/04/2504/04/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753351600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 8806/06/2506/06/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753347600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, May 2nd - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, May 2nd - 5:20 PM (Ages 5-8)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri5:20pm-6:20pmAll5 - 8805/02/2505/02/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18640160600 Hot Shots 6 Hours - T/W/THRegister600 Hot Shots 6 Hours - T/W/TH Tue, Wed, Thu4:00pm-6:00pmAll5.67 - 8109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION410.00
19049863HOT SHOTS = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListHOT SHOTS = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: HOT SHOTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\nSun-All5.67 - 8006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
18639845600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Mon 5:20 PMWait List600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Mon 5:20 PMBeginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\nAges 8 & Up\nMon5:20pm-6:20pmAll6 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18909777600 Intermediate & Advanced Tumbling Thu 7:35 PM Register600 Intermediate & Advanced Tumbling Thu 7:35 PM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nIntermediate Class = Must Be Working Back Hand Springs\nIntermediate Tumbling Requirements: Must have backbend kick over, back walk over, front walk over, cartwheel, round-off, and working back handspring.\n\n\nThu7:35pm-8:35pmAll6 - 16410/24/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312679600 Intermediate Tumbling Mon 5:20 PM Wait List600 Intermediate Tumbling Mon 5:20 PM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nIntermediate Class = Must Be Working Back Hand Springs\nIntermediate Tumbling Requirements: Must have backbend kick over, back walk over, front walk over, cartwheel, round-off, and working back handspring.\nMon5:20pm-6:20pmAll6 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312722600 Intermediate Tumbling Thu 5:20 PM Wait List600 Intermediate Tumbling Thu 5:20 PM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nIntermediate Class = Must Be Working Back Hand Springs\nIntermediate Tumbling Requirements: Must have backbend kick over, back walk over, front walk over, cartwheel, round-off, and working back handspring.\n\n\nThu5:20pm-6:20pmAll6 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312761600 Intermediate Tumbling Tues 7:35 PM Register600 Intermediate Tumbling Tues 7:35 PM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nIntermediate Class = Must Be Working Back Hand Springs\nIntermediate Tumbling Requirements: Must have backbend kick over, back walk over, front walk over, cartwheel, round-off, and working back handspring.\nTue7:35pm-8:35pmAll6 - 16209/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18651446600 Advanced Tumbling (7 & up) Thurs 6:30 PM Wait List600 Advanced Tumbling (7 & up) Thurs 6:30 PM ADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: Round off back-handsprings, working back tucks & more.Thu6:30pm-7:30pmAll7 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312795600 Advanced Tumbling (7 & up) Wed 6:30 PM Register600 Advanced Tumbling (7 & up) Wed 6:30 PM ADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: Round off back-handsprings, working back tucks & more.Wed6:30pm-7:30pmAll7 - 16209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19162976600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 21st *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 21st *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171304/21/2504/21/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162978600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 28th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 28th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171504/28/2504/28/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162973600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 7th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM April 7th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171504/07/2504/07/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19163007600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 16th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 16th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171506/16/2506/16/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19163001600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 2nd *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 2nd *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171506/02/2506/02/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162989600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM March 24th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM March 24th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171403/24/2503/24/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162970600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM March 31st *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM March 31st *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171503/31/2503/31/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162993600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 12th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 12th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171505/12/2505/12/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162998600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 19th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 19th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171405/19/2505/19/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162984600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 5th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM May 5th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171505/05/2505/05/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19163009600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 9th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Register600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY "Drop-In" 7:45PM June 9th *Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!Monmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 171406/09/2506/09/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19162966600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY 7:45PM March 17th *CANCELLEDWait List600 Advanced Tumbling MONDAY 7:45PM March 17th *CANCELLEDCANCELLED\nCOACH MATT WILL BE TRAVELING 3/17-3/21\n\nMonmouth Gymnastics Presents Matthew Loucel\'s Precision Athletes (MLPA)\nAdvanced Tumbling Class: Must be Working Back Tuck or More\!\nADVANCED TUMBLING ONLY\nAges 7 & Up\n\nAdvanced Tumbling Requirements: MUST BE WORKING BACK TUCKS\n\nREGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Mon7:45pm-8:45pmAll7 - 17003/17/2503/17/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18312750600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Mon 6:30 PMWait List600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Mon 6:30 PMBeginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\nAges 8 & Up\nMon6:30pm-7:30pmAll7 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312680600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Thu 5:20 PMWait List600 Beginner Tumbling (7 & up) Thu 5:20 PMBeginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\nAges 8 & Up\nThu5:20pm-6:20pmAll7 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641756600 Beginner Tumbling Sat 9:10 AM (ages 7 & up)Register600 Beginner Tumbling Sat 9:10 AM (ages 7 & up)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\nSat9:10am-10:10amAll7 - 16209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18651571600 Beginner Tumbling Tues 5:30 PM (ages 7 & up)Register600 Beginner Tumbling Tues 5:30 PM (ages 7 & up)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\nTue5:30pm-6:30pmAll7 - 16109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312757600 Beginner Tumbling Wed 4:10 PM (ages 7 & up)Register600 Beginner Tumbling Wed 4:10 PM (ages 7 & up)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\nWed4:10pm-5:10pmAll7 - 16209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312812600 Beginner Tumbling Wed 6:30 PM (ages 7 & up)Wait List600 Beginner Tumbling Wed 6:30 PM (ages 7 & up)ASSISTANT: CHARLOTTE - 7:00-7:30 PM\n\nBeginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\nWed6:30pm-7:30pmAll7 - 16009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18660436600 CO-ED Fireworks Mon 7:35 PM Wait List600 CO-ED Fireworks Mon 7:35 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nBoys and Girls \n\nNote from Management:\nCoach Gerardo now through December 16th\nCoach Illyana December 16th-June 2025\nMon7:35pm-8:35pmAll8 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18753378600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, April 4th - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri6:30pm-7:30pmAll8 - 16604/04/2504/04/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753384600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, June 6th - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri6:30pm-7:30pmAll8 - 16806/06/2506/06/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
18753381600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, May 2nd - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)Register600 Tumbling Clinic - Friday, May 2nd - 6:30 PM (Ages 8 & up)REGISTRATION REQUIRED\n\nDrop-In Fee: $30 per visit\n\nMembers: $0 Registration Fee\nNon-Members: $15 Registration Fee Fri6:30pm-7:30pmAll8 - 16805/02/2505/02/25TUMBLING CLINICS30.00
19239464STARBURSTS * Week 1 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 6/30-7/3RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 1 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 6/30-7/3Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 23
Tue: 23
Wed: 23
Thu: 24
Fri: 0
06/30/2507/03/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240069STARBURSTS * Week 2 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/7-7/10RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 2 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/7-7/10Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 21
Tue: 22
Wed: 21
Thu: 22
Fri: 0
07/07/2507/10/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240071STARBURSTS * Week 3 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/14-7/17RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 3 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/14-7/17Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 19
Tue: 23
Wed: 19
Thu: 23
Fri: 0
07/14/2507/17/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240088STARBURSTS * Week 4 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/21-7/24RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 4 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/21-7/24Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 20
Tue: 19
Wed: 19
Thu: 20
Fri: 0
07/21/2507/24/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240093STARBURSTS * Week 5 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/28-7/31RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 5 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 7/28-7/31Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 23
Tue: 23
Wed: 22
Thu: 23
Fri: 0
07/28/2507/31/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240101STARBURSTS * Week 6 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/4-8/7RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 6 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/4-8/7Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 22
Tue: 19
Wed: 21
Thu: 19
Fri: 0
08/04/2508/07/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240106STARBURSTS * Week 7 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/11-8/14RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 7 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/11-8/14Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 23
Tue: 23
Wed: 22
Thu: 23
Fri: 0
08/11/2508/14/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
19240111STARBURSTS * Week 8 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/18-8/21RegisterSTARBURSTS * Week 8 - FULL DAY CAMP (ages 8- 16) Dates: 8/18-8/21Ages 8 to 16: This 6 hour full day camp offers training on a variety of skills based on the individual athlete. There is a regimented basics and warm up section of camp where each athlete will be assessed. The camp is very structured throughout the day however, since this is a full day students will have opportunities to choose skills they would like to work on. The structure is as follows: 4.5 hours of gymnastics, two 15 minute snack breaks, 30 minutes of crafts, and 30 minutes for lunch. Lunch & juice is INCLUDED. \n\nPlease send your child with a refillable water bottle. Also please send your child with a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Peanut Free ONLY. Snack Machine is available to purchase snacks or drinks for ($2.00) each.\n\nLunch options Include: Pizza or Chicken Tenders with Fries. \n\nIf you prefer to OPT your child out of LUNCH = NO CREDIT IS GIVEN = NO EXCEPTIONS.\nLunch feature is built into the price of the program.\nMon, Tue, Wed, Thu9:00am-3:00pmAll8 - 16Mon: 23
Tue: 22
Wed: 22
Thu: 23
Fri: 0
08/18/2508/21/25Summer CAMP 20251 Day: 90.00
2 Days: 180.00
3 Days: 270.00
4 Days: 360.00
18312751600 Intermediate Tumbling Sat 10:20 AM Wait List600 Intermediate Tumbling Sat 10:20 AM Boys & Girls = Ages 6 & up. \nIntermediate Class = Must Be Working Back Hand Springs\nIntermediate Tumbling Requirements: Must have backbend kick over, back walk over, front walk over, cartwheel, round-off, and working back handspring.\n\n\nSat10:20am-11:20amAll9 - 16009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19049780JUNIOR ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thRegisterJUNIOR ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: JUNIOR ADVANCED GYMNASTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-Female - 106/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19049783MINI ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListMINI ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: MINI ADVANCED GYMNASTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-Female - 006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19049844PRE-TEAM RED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListPRE-TEAM RED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: PRE- TEAM RED GYMNASTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-Female - 006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19049834PRE-TEAM WHITE = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListPRE-TEAM WHITE = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: PRE-TEAM WHITE GYMNASTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-Female - 006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19049818SENIOR ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thRegisterSENIOR ADVANCED = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: SENIOR ADVANCED GYMNASTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nGIRLS CUSTOM MONMOUTH COMPETITION LEOTARD\nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun-Female - 106/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show215.00
19402020END OF YEAR SHOW - WAIT LIST (SATURDAY)RegisterEND OF YEAR SHOW - WAIT LIST (SATURDAY)WAIT LIST FOR END OF YEAR SHOW\n\nNOTE FROM MANAGEMENT:\nPlease be advised enrollment has CLOSED for our end of year shows Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th.\nIf you would like to be placed on our waitlist for the show, please enroll in this class.\nOnce all of the registered gymnasts receive their show leotard, if we have any leftover sizes you will be contacted to register for the show.Sat-Female2 - 161406/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19402049END OF YEAR SHOW - WAIT LIST (SUNDAY)RegisterEND OF YEAR SHOW - WAIT LIST (SUNDAY)WAIT LIST FOR END OF YEAR SHOW\n\nNOTE FROM MANAGEMENT:\nPlease be advised enrollment has CLOSED for our end of year shows Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th.\nIf you would like to be placed on our waitlist for the show, please enroll in this class.\nOnce all of the registered gymnasts receive their show leotard, if we have any leftover sizes you will be contacted to register for the show.Sun-Female2 - 162806/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show215.00
19190513NOT DOING END OF YEAR SHOW - SUNDAYRegisterNOT DOING END OF YEAR SHOW - SUNDAYNOT DOING END OF YEAR SHOW - SUNDAYSun7:00pm-9:00pmFemale3 - 1316806/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show0.00
19050276STARLITES = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListSTARLITES = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: STARLITES STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female3 - 5006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18312824300 Girls Starlites Mon 4:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5) Wait List300 Girls Starlites Mon 4:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5) BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4 & 5\nGIRLS ONLYMon4:00pm-5:00pmFemale4 - 5009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18647845300 Girls Starlites Mon 5:10 PM (Ages 4 & 5)Wait List300 Girls Starlites Mon 5:10 PM (Ages 4 & 5)INTERMEDIATE LEVEL\nAGES 4 & 5\nGIRLS ONLYMon5:10pm-6:10pmFemale4 - 5009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18635562300 Girls Starlites Tues 12:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)Register300 Girls Starlites Tues 12:00 PM (Ages 4 & 5)INTERMEDIATE LEVEL\nAGES 4 & 5\nGIRLS ONLYTue12:00pm-1:00pmFemale4 - 5109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18672670300 Girls Starlites Wed 5:10 PM (ages 4 & 5)Wait List300 Girls Starlites Wed 5:10 PM (ages 4 & 5)BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 4-6 Years \nGIRLS ONLYWed5:10pm-6:10pmFemale4 - 5009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19050182STARS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thRegisterSTARS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: STARS STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female4 - 8106/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19050284TUMBLING = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListTUMBLING = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: TUMBLING STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female4 - 17006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18646984600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Mon 6:30 PM (ages 4 to 6)Register600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Mon 6:30 PM (ages 4 to 6)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\n\n\nMon6:30pm-7:30pmFemale4.5 - 6109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19270675600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Tues 6:30 PM (ages 4 to 6)Register600 Beginner TUMBLING TOTS Tues 6:30 PM (ages 4 to 6)Beginner Class = Working On Tumbling Basics\n\n\nTue6:30pm-7:30pmFemale4.5 - 6301/14/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18630792300 CO-ED Stars Mon 7:30 PMRegister300 CO-ED Stars Mon 7:30 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYS (CO-ED)Mon7:30pm-8:30pmFemale5 - 7209/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18651469300 Girls Rockets Tues 5:10 PMWait List300 Girls Rockets Tues 5:10 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldTue5:10pm-6:10pmFemale5 - 7009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312648300 Girls Stars Mon 4:00 PM Wait List300 Girls Stars Mon 4:00 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\nInstructor Note: Brie Warm-Up\nMon4:00pm-5:00pmFemale5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18647841300 Girls Stars Monday 4:00 PM Register300 Girls Stars Monday 4:00 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS & BOYS\n\nNOTE FROM MANAGEMENT:\nCoach Maddie now through December 16th\nCoach Diego January 6th - June 16thMon4:00pm-5:00pmFemale5 - 7109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19075032300 Girls Stars Thu 5:10 PM Wait List300 Girls Stars Thu 5:10 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\n\n14 Week Session \nSeptember 5th to December 19th\n\nNo Make-Ups for Missed Sessions unless a Doctor\'s Note is Provided.\n\nRegistration Fee: $60.00 (Valid Through August 2025)\n\n******Participants are encouraged to select a new class for January 2025-June 2025. Enrollment will be available the first week of December.******Thu5:10pm-6:10pmFemale5 - 7001/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18632140300 Girls Stars TU 4:00 PMWait List300 Girls Stars TU 4:00 PM Tue4:00pm-5:00pmFemale5 - 7009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18646243300 Girls Stars Wed 4:00 PMWait List300 Girls Stars Wed 4:00 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed4:00pm-5:00pmFemale5 - 7009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19108776300 Girls Stars Wed 4:00 PM Wait List300 Girls Stars Wed 4:00 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS 5-7 Years Old\nWed4:00pm-5:00pmFemale5 - 7001/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312810300 Girls Stars Wed 5:10 PMWait List300 Girls Stars Wed 5:10 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed5:10pm-6:10pmFemale5 - 7009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312775300 Girls Stars Wed 7:30 PMRegister300 Girls Stars Wed 7:30 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed7:30pm-8:30pmFemale5 - 7409/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312700300 Girls Twilights Mon 5:10 PMWait List300 Girls Twilights Mon 5:10 PMBeginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldMon5:10pm-6:10pmFemale5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19108794600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys Wed 5:20 PM Register600 CO-ED Stars Girls & Boys Wed 5:20 PM BEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS & BOYS 5-7 Years OldWed5:20pm-6:20pmFemale5 - 7101/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18874117600 Girls Rockets Sat 9:10 AMRegister600 Girls Rockets Sat 9:10 AMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldSat9:10am-10:10amFemale5 - 7410/26/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312662600 Girls Rockets Thu 5:20 PMRegister600 Girls Rockets Thu 5:20 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldThu5:20pm-6:20pmFemale5 - 7109/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312770600 Girls Rockets Tue 6:30 PM Wait List600 Girls Rockets Tue 6:30 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years Old\nTue6:30pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 7009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312690600 Girls Rockets Wed 4:10 PM Register600 Girls Rockets Wed 4:10 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed4:10pm-5:10pmFemale5 - 7409/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312650600 Girls Rockets Wed 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Rockets Wed 5:20 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldWed5:20pm-6:20pmFemale5 - 7009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19108748600 Girls Star Wed 6:30 PM Register600 Girls Star Wed 6:30 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nBEGINNER LEVEL: GIRLS 5-7 Years Old\nWed6:30pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 7401/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19107434600 Girls Stars & Girls Twilight Tue 7:35 PM Register600 Girls Stars & Girls Twilight Tue 7:35 PM BEGINNER LEVEL: \nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldTue7:35pm-8:35pmFemale5 - 7301/07/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18629163600 Girls Stars Friday 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Stars Friday 5:20 PM Fri5:20pm-6:20pmFemale5 - 7009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312830600 Girls Stars Sat 11:30 AMWait List600 Girls Stars Sat 11:30 AMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\n*Sharon 11:30-12:00 PM ONLYSat11:30am-12:30pmFemale5 - 7009/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18753229600 Girls Stars Sat 11:30 AMWait List600 Girls Stars Sat 11:30 AMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\nSat11:30am-12:30pmFemale5 - 7009/14/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18824615600 Girls Stars Sat 12:30 PMRegister600 Girls Stars Sat 12:30 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLY\nSat12:30pm-1:30pmFemale5 - 7609/21/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312677600 Girls Stars Thu 4:10 PMWait List600 Girls Stars Thu 4:10 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLYThu4:10pm-5:10pmFemale5 - 7009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18923070600 Girls Stars Thu 6:30 PM Wait List600 Girls Stars Thu 6:30 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 5-7 Years \nGIRLS ONLYThu6:30pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 7011/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19054940600 Girls Stars TU 6:30 PM Wait List600 Girls Stars TU 6:30 PM MONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 7TH)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nClass Details:\nGIRLS & BOYS\nAGES 5-7 Years OldTue6:30pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 7001/07/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18629209600 Girls Twilights Fri 6:30 PM Wait List600 Girls Twilights Fri 6:30 PM Beginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldFri6:30pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 7009/06/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18874097600 Girls Twilights Friday 4:10 PM Wait List600 Girls Twilights Friday 4:10 PM  Fri4:10pm-5:10pmFemale5 - 7010/18/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312788600 Girls Twilights Mon 4:10 PMWait List600 Girls Twilights Mon 4:10 PMBeginner Level 2 - Prior Experience Required\nCoach Evaluation REQUIRED - Invitation Only\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldMon4:10pm-5:10pmFemale5 - 7009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312699600 Girls Twilights Sat 10:20 AMRegister600 Girls Twilights Sat 10:20 AMCoach Invitation ONLY\nBeginner Level 2 -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldSat10:20am-11:20amFemale5 - 7209/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18753222600 Girls Twilights Sat 10:20 AMRegister600 Girls Twilights Sat 10:20 AMCoach Invitation ONLY\nBeginner Level 2 -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldSat10:20am-11:20amFemale5 - 7209/14/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18874124600 Girls Twilights Sat 11:30 AMRegister600 Girls Twilights Sat 11:30 AMCoach Invitation ONLY\nBeginner Level 2 -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS 5-7 Years OldSat11:30am-12:30pmFemale5 - 7611/02/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312704600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 4:00 PM (Ages 5 to 7)Register600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 4:00 PM (Ages 5 to 7)Coach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 YearsMon4:00pm-5:30pmFemale5 - 8409/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312731600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 5:30 PM (Ages 5 to 7)Register600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 5:30 PM (Ages 5 to 7)Coach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 Years\nMon5:30pm-7:00pmFemale5 - 8109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312658600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Thu 5:30 PMWait List600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Thu 5:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 Years\nThu5:30pm-7:00pmFemale5 - 8009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18635680600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 4:00 PMWait List600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 YearsTue4:00pm-5:30pmFemale5 - 8009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312657600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 5:30 PMWait List600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 5:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 YearsTue5:30pm-7:00pmFemale5 - 8009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312753600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 6:00 PM (5-7) Wait List600 Junior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 6:00 PM (5-7) Coach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 YearsWed6:00pm-7:30pmFemale5 - 8009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18651309600 Senior Advanced & Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 7:00 PMRegister600 Senior Advanced & Junior Advanced Pre-Team Tue 7:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 5-7 YearsTue7:00pm-8:30pmFemale5 - 10109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
19050283ROCKETS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListROCKETS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: ROCKETS STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female5 - 7006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19050277TWILIGHTS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListTWILIGHTS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: TWILIGHTS STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female5 - 8006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18312717600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 7:35 PMRegister600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 7:35 PMCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpMon7:35pm-8:35pmFemale7 - 16109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18552091600 Girls Firecrackers Thu 4:10 PM Wait List600 Girls Firecrackers Thu 4:10 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & Up\nThu4:10pm-5:10pmFemale7 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19059701600 Girls Firecrackers Thu 6:30 PMRegister600 Girls Firecrackers Thu 6:30 PMMONTH TO MONTH SESSION (START DATE JANUARY 2ND)\nPlease note upon enrollment you will be billed for 1st month (January) and last month of the session (June 2025)\n\nCoach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & Up\nThu6:30pm-7:30pmFemale7 - 16101/02/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18635780600 Pre-Team Red Thurs 7 PM & HSG (High School Gymnasts)Register600 Pre-Team Red Thurs 7 PM & HSG (High School Gymnasts)Coach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & Up\nThu7:00pm-9:00pmFemale7 - 13209/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18312729600 Pre-Team White & Pre-Team Red Tu 7:00 PM Register600 Pre-Team White & Pre-Team Red Tu 7:00 PM Great class for upper level gymnasts working on advanced tumbling skills including layouts, pikes, and full\'s. Perfect fit for High School Gymnasts looking to sharpen their skills.\n\nCLASS COACH NOTE: \nYURIY 7:00-7:30 PM\nNATASHA 7:30-9:00 PM\n\nCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & Up\nTue7:00pm-9:00pmFemale7 - 13309/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18312799600 Pre-Team White Mon 7:00 PMRegister600 Pre-Team White Mon 7:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nAdvanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & Up\nMon7:00pm-9:00pmFemale7 - 12409/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18641396600 Pre-Team White Sat 11:00 AM Wait List600 Pre-Team White Sat 11:00 AM COACH DIEGO: 12:30-1:00 PM\nCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nAdvanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & UpSat11:00am-1:00pmFemale7 - 14009/14/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18312697600 Pre-Team White Tue 7:00 PMWait List600 Pre-Team White Tue 7:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & UpTue7:00pm-9:00pmFemale7 - 15009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18312805600 Pre-Team White Tues 5:30 PMRegister600 Pre-Team White Tues 5:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nAdvanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & UpTue5:30pm-7:30pmFemale7 - 14409/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
18312656600 Pre-Team White Wed 4:00 PMRegister600 Pre-Team White Wed 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 7 & Up\n\nWed4:00pm-6:00pmFemale7 - 12109/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION210.00
19057273DYNAMITES = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListDYNAMITES = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: DYNAMITES STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female7 - 16006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19050285FIRECRACKERS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListFIRECRACKERS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: FIRECRACKER STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female7 - 16006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
19050282FIREWORKS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait ListFIREWORKS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: FIREWORKS STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel (Leotard for Girls or Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Female7 - 16006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18641665600 Girls Dynamites Mon 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Dynamites Mon 5:20 PM$198 = July & August tuition\n\nIntermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredMon5:20pm-6:20pmFemale8 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18646138600 Girls Dynamites Mon 6:30 PMRegister600 Girls Dynamites Mon 6:30 PM$198 = July & August tuition\n\nIntermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredMon6:30pm-7:30pmFemale8 - 16109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18635318600 Girls Dynamites Monday 4:10 PMWait List600 Girls Dynamites Monday 4:10 PM$198 = July & August tuition\n\nIntermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredMon4:10pm-5:10pmFemale8 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18669692600 Girls Dynamites Sat 10:20 AMRegister600 Girls Dynamites Sat 10:20 AM$198 = July & August tuition\n\nIntermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredSat10:20am-11:20amFemale8 - 16209/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18632935600 Girls Dynamites Tuesday 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Dynamites Tuesday 5:20 PM$198 = July & August tuition\n\nIntermediate Level-Evaluation Required\n\nRebecca: Assistant 6-6:20 pmTue5:20pm-6:20pmFemale8 - 16009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641959600 Girls Dynamites Wed 5:20 PMRegister600 Girls Dynamites Wed 5:20 PMIntermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredWed5:20pm-6:20pmFemale8 - 16209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18873722600 Girls Dynamites Wed 7:35 PM Register600 Girls Dynamites Wed 7:35 PM Intermediate Level-Evaluation RequiredWed7:35pm-8:35pmFemale8 - 16510/16/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312720600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 4:10 PM Register600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 4:10 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpMon4:10pm-5:10pmFemale8 - 16309/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312829600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 5:20 PM Wait List600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 5:20 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpMon5:20pm-6:20pmFemale8 - 16009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641749600 Girls Firecrackers Sat 11:30 AM Register600 Girls Firecrackers Sat 11:30 AM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpSat11:30am-12:30pmFemale8 - 16109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18661249600 Girls Firecrackers Wed 4:10 PM Wait List600 Girls Firecrackers Wed 4:10 PM Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpWed4:10pm-5:10pmFemale8 - 16009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312645600 Girls Fireworks & Dynamites Thu 5:20 PMWait List600 Girls Fireworks & Dynamites Thu 5:20 PMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYThu5:20pm-6:20pmFemale8 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312665600 Girls Fireworks Mon 4:10 PM Register600 Girls Fireworks Mon 4:10 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYMon4:10pm-5:10pmFemale8 - 16109/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18867288600 Girls Fireworks Mon 6:30 PM Register600 Girls Fireworks Mon 6:30 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nBoys and Girls Mon6:30pm-7:30pmFemale8 - 16110/14/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641732600 Girls Fireworks Sat 11:30 AMWait List600 Girls Fireworks Sat 11:30 AMBEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYSat11:30am-12:30pmFemale8 - 16009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18877272600 Girls Fireworks Sat 12:30 PM Wait List600 Girls Fireworks Sat 12:30 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYSat12:30pm-1:30pmFemale8 - 16010/26/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18923063600 Girls Fireworks Thu 7:35 PM Register600 Girls Fireworks Thu 7:35 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYThu7:35pm-8:35pmFemale8 - 16311/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18641954600 Girls Fireworks Tues 6:30 PM Register600 Girls Fireworks Tues 6:30 PM BEGINNER LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYTue6:30pm-7:30pmFemale8 - 16109/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312634600 Girls Fireworks Wed 7:35 PMWait List600 Girls Fireworks Wed 7:35 PMBEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE LEVEL\nAGES 8 & UP \nGIRLS ONLYWed7:35pm-8:35pmFemale8 - 16009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18639933600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 6:30 PMWait List600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 6:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & Up\n\n**Brie (6:30-8:00 pm)\nJaelyn (7:30 - 8:00 pm)\n\n\nWed6:30pm-8:00pmFemale8 - 13009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18651587600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 7:30 PMRegister600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Wed 7:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & Up\n\n**Brie (6:30-8:00 pm)\nJaelyn (7:30 - 8:00 pm)\n\n\nWed7:30pm-9:00pmFemale8 - 13209/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18635668600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 4:00 PMWait List600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & UpMon4:00pm-5:30pmFemale8 - 13009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312715600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 5:30 PMRegister600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 5:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & UpMon5:30pm-7:00pmFemale8 - 13309/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312776600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 7:30 PMWait List600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Mon 7:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & UpMon7:30pm-9:00pmFemale8 - 13009/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18651568600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Tues 4:00 PMWait List600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Tues 4:00 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & UpTue4:00pm-5:30pmFemale8 - 13009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18651460600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Tues 6:30 PMWait List600 Senior Advanced Pre-Team Tues 6:30 PMCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 8 & UpTue6:30pm-8:00pmFemale8 - 13009/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18551010600 SUPERNOVAS IN-HOUSE COMPETITIVE TEAM (M/W/TH) 7:00-9:00 PMWait List600 SUPERNOVAS IN-HOUSE COMPETITIVE TEAM (M/W/TH) 7:00-9:00 PMIN-HOUSE COMPETITIVE TEAM\nCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nAdvanced Level \nGIRLS ONLY\nAGES 9 & Up\n\nMondays: Sam & Danielle\nWednesdays: Sam & Danielle\nThursdays: Jade\n\n\n 7:00pm-9:00pmFemale9 - 13009/04/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION385.00
19049854SUPERNOVA = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thWait ListSUPERNOVA = Out of This World End Of Year Pre-Team Show - Sunday, June 8thNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: SUPERNOVAS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nREGISTRATION COST INCLUDES: \nPARTICIPATION MEDAL FOR EACH GYMNAST\nJUDGES & TROPHIES FOR UPPER LEVELS (ONLY)\n2 SHOW SPECTATOR ENTRY TICKETS\n\n\nADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT\nCHILREN: $10.00\nADULTS & TEENS OVER 13: $20.00\n(Quantities are Limited)Sun7:00pm-9:00pmFemale9 - 13006/08/2506/08/25Out of This World - Sunday End of Year Show0.00
18873391600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 7:35 PM with Diego (AGES 11 & UP)Register600 Girls Firecrackers Mon 7:35 PM with Diego (AGES 11 & UP)Coach Invitation ONLY\nIntermediate Level -Evaluation REQUIRED- Prior Experience Required\nGIRLS Ages 8 & UpMon7:35pm-8:35pmFemale11 - 16309/09/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19176316 BOYS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thWait List BOYS = Out of This World End of Year RECREATIONAL Show - Saturday, June 7thPlease be sure you are enrolling in the CORRECT level for your child. Should your child advance to the next level up please be sure to notify the office by emailing: tumble@monmouthgymnastics.com\nBoys: \nStarlites, Stars, Rockets, Fireworks, Firecrackers\n\nNON-REFUNDABLE \nEND OF YEAR SHOW FOR: BOY STUDENTS\n\nSESSION TIME: TBD\n\nPrice Includes: Participation Trophy, Custom Competition Apparel ( Tank/Shorts for Boys), & 2 Show Spectator Entry Tickets.\n\nAdditional Spectator Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door:\n$20 Adults\n$10 Children\n(Quantities are Limited)\n\n\nSat-Male4 - 8006/07/2506/07/25Out of This World - Saturday End of Year Show150.00
18312752600 Boys Advanced Gymnastics Sat 9:10 AM (with Yuriy A.)Register600 Boys Advanced Gymnastics Sat 9:10 AM (with Yuriy A.)Coach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level \nBOYS ONLY\nAGES 5 & UpSat9:10am-10:10amMale5 - 12109/07/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312663600 Boys Advanced Gymnastics Tue 5:30 PMRegister600 Boys Advanced Gymnastics Tue 5:30 PMFORMERLY TITLED: BOYS PRE-TEAM BLACK\nNEW NAME: BOYS ADVANCED GYMNASTICS\n\nCoach Invitation ONLY/Evaluation Required\nPrior Experience Required\nIntermediate/Advanced Level/Pre-Team Black/Firecrackers/Rockets \nBOYS ONLY\nAGES 5 & UpTue5:30pm-7:00pmMale5 - 12509/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION165.00
18312712600 Boys Stars & Boys Rockets Tue 4:10 PMRegister600 Boys Stars & Boys Rockets Tue 4:10 PMAges 5 - 7\nBeginner & Intermediate Level\n\nTue4:10pm-5:10pmMale5 - 7409/03/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312763600 Boys Stars Thu 6:30 PMWait List600 Boys Stars Thu 6:30 PMBEGINNER LEVEL: BOYS 5-7 Years OldThu6:30pm-7:30pmMale5 - 7009/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
19059687600 Boys Stars Wed 4:10 PM Register600 Boys Stars Wed 4:10 PM START DATE JANUARY 8TH\n\nBOYS 5-7 Years Old\n\nWed4:10pm-5:10pmMale5 - 7501/08/2506/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00
18312808600 Boys Fireworks Thu 5:20 PM Register600 Boys Fireworks Thu 5:20 PM BOYS Ages 8 & Up\n\nThu5:20pm-6:20pmMale7 - 16309/05/2406/21/252024-2025 FALL SESSION110.00